Bible Translator Shows Believers How to Be Strong and Courageous


It is easy to look around the world today and see the darkness and talk about all that the devil is doing. We can see the enemies’ lies and cunning attacks on this nation and the nations of the world.

Like Psalm 2 prophetically declares, the nations are raging against God and His anointed, and this is plainly seen. One of the largest and most destructive weapons the enemy has in his arsenal is fear. Everywhere you look, fear is being propagated, and people are afraid to leave their homes, raise their voices and do what is right.

Why is fear one of the most deadly and destructive weapons? Because if God’s people are shrinking back in fear—instead of shining as lights in this world—then he can cage up the kingdom of heaven within us. If we fear embarrassment and ridicule, then we won’t spread the gospel, and the kingdom won’t be released.

If we fear going to church and gathering because of the virus, then we will isolate ourselves, and we won’t develop the godly community that is necessary to fulfill our callings to its fullest extent. If we are scared of failure, then we won’t step out in faith on the ideas and visions God has given us; therefore, we won’t manifest God’s kingdom as the Lord desires. If the devil can strike fear into the hearts of God’s children, like he did with the Israelites on their way into the promised land, then he can hinder us from possessing our God-given inheritance as well.

In every era, God has always had a remnant of servants who love Him, serve Him and live for Him at all costs. Regardless of the dangers that loom over them, they have remained steadfast to the call of God—and this is still true today.

Courage must fill our spirits so we can stand up to the enemy and rise above his devices. Being courageous doesn’t mean we never experience fear, but it does mean that we choose to say “no” to fear and grab hold of Jesus and His promises boldly without ever letting go.

Tune in to the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, as Michael Lombardo speaks with the lead translator of The Passion Translation about the vitality of boldness in God’s people in this hour.

Connect with Michael Lombardo at and on Facebook. Order his book, Immersed in His Glory here. {eoa}

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