Bill Maher

Bill Maher Slams Christian Conservatives Who ‘Whine’ About Persecution


Bill Maher says Christians have no basis to complain about being defamed or discriminated against because they constitute a majority of the nation.

“Seventy percent of the country is Christian, not to mention every president we’ve ever had,” he said. He also said that “conservatives who constantly whine that Christianity is under attack from liberals have to explain why there are over 300,000 churches in the U.S. but only 400 Whole Foods.”

According to Maher’s logic, Africans in South Africa who lived under apartheid had no basis to complain because they constituted more than 90 percent of the nation. What matters is not the demographics of the population but whether the nation’s elites are working to undermine the norms and values of the majority. If the political and cultural elites bear an animus against the majority, that is not without consequence.

Anyone who thinks that Christian bashing is not alive and well—at the federal, state, and local levels—is delusional. That it thrives in cultural institutions such as the arts, education, the entertainment industry, and the media is indisputable.

Maher can verify the accuracy of my position by accessing the Catholic League’s annual reports on anti-Catholicism, our news releases and our monthly journal, Catalyst, all of which are available online. Indeed, he will find there are dozens of entries that bear his name.

Bill Donohue is the president of the Catholic League. He also serves on the board of advisers of the Washington Legal Foundation, the Educational Freedom Foundation, the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Catholics United for the Faith, the Jewish Action Alliance, Ave Maria Institute, the Christian Film & Television Commission, Project Moses, Catholic Citizens of Illinois, The Georgetown Academy, Catholics Come Home, The Coalition to Save Iraqi Christians, and the Advisory Committee for In addition, he is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Catholic War Veterans, and is an Honorary Member of the Catholic Social Workers National Association. He also serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Family in America: A Journal of Public Policy.


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