‘Build-a-Queer’ Kits Company Encourages Kids to Hide Transition From Parents


While the state of Florida has approved a law banning sex changes surgeries and gender transition hormones for minors, a pro-trans group in that state has advertised a product called “Build-A-Queer Kits” aimed at helping minors make a gender transition.

And, it encourages kids to do this without the consent of their parents, Fox Digital News reports.

Based in Jacksonville, the Queer Trans Project creates free packages of chest binders, condoms and other items and offers advice to recipients for concealing the kits from parents and guardians. The group has already sent out nearly 1,000 kits the past two years to states across the country, and the operation continues to grow as its social media now reaches tens of thousands of people.

The small company advertises its discretion in a video, where the founder of the QT Project advised of a half-dozen strategies for kids to receive the kids without their parents’ knowledge, Fox News Digital reports. It includes setting up a post office box, putting a friend’s name as the addressee or sending the package to friends.

Yet another concealment strategy is to send to a school in care of a sympathetic teacher, the QT Project video suggests.

For men transitioning to women, items available in the package include condoms, bras, makeup and clothing.

The QT Project’s website says that “Our online store offers fast, hassle-free shopping without a waitlist or credit card. Enjoy free national shipping on every order. BIPOC individuals get 30-minute early access to our restock.” The website also addresses its potential customers as “Dear cuties.”

Fox News Digital reports that one kit that QT Project no longer offers is a “trans self-defense” package that promised items like pepper spray, a knife, Taser and coloring book, all free of charge. The group said it discontinued the self-defense kits to focus on other programs like Build-a-Queer-Kits and a “Gender-Affirming Care Flights programs,” but Florida law also prohibits providing weapons like certain knives and Tasers to minors.

The QT Project was founded by a transgender woman named Cielo Sunsarae, who was inspired to assist others in gender change practices.

“It formed out of my closet while I was in the closet,” Sunsarae told Fox News Digital in a recent interview.

In March, Sunsarae testified against Florida’s bill—signed into law last month—preventing minors from receiving gender change treatments like puberty blockers and surgical sex reassignment, Fox News Digital reported. {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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