Albert Milton

Can Flowing in the Prophetic Increase Your Faith Exponentially?


Unquestionably, Albert Milton is grateful for the prophetic gift God has given him. He is seeing many of his prophetic words come to pass in recent months, including some he gave to individuals in a non-charismatic church in Brazil.

The fulfillment of those prophecies has done nothing but exponentially increase his own faith in Jesus Christ as a pastor, author and prophet. In turn, it has allowed him to use that prophetic gift with confidence and assurance that he indeed is hearing the truth from God as it lines up with Scripture, and the fruit of his gift is unquestionable.

“I’m seeing that the Lord’s Word is coming through, and that is tremendous,” Milton told Charisma News’ John Matarazzo during a recent interview. “I know that it is not my word; it is God giving an me unction to boldly release a word of His.

“When it comes to pass, people will testifying that yes, this is the word I received, it happened,” he says. “So it really builds my faith so I can continue to prophesy, to increase and edify and embolden correctly and lead the people. According to the Spirit of God’s leading, it is going to benefit them to grow one step closer to God as well.

“It really reflects back to me,” he adds. “The Word of God is a double-edged sword. It is always going to sharpen you when you sharpen others, like iron sharpens iron. I strongly believe that when you flow in the prophetic, it is not only going to bless the people who receive as you prophesy, but your faith will be edified when it is fulfilled.”

Indeed it has for Milton, not only on his trip to Brazil but also during a recent trip to Israel. He was able to go to places where Jesus walked, including the Mount of Olives, and he says he saw a lot of things in the prophetic realm, including angels.

“Angelic activity is very, very relevant in Israel,” he says. “When I was in Israel, I truly felt the presence of God. It’s not about the place, it’s about some territorial thing that the Lord has said.

“Beyond that, I strongly experienced the [biblical] history come true right before my eyes,” Milton explains. “I went to the place in Bethany where I saw Lazarus’ tomb. I went to the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked, preached and did miracles. I went to the River Jordan, and that was really prophetic as well. To see the Word come to life, you just become overwhelmed with joy.”

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While many question the current status of the relationship between the United States and Israel, Milton says he strongly believes the unique connection between the two countries is still solid.

Milton says that while in Israel he received a prophetic word from God that any nation that supports Israel will prosper. That includes America, whom he believes will continue to bless and stand with the Israeli people.

Milton says his eyes were opened to the conflict in Jerusalem between Israelis and Arabs.

“Those things God was telling me and showing me opened up a lot of doors for me to really pray and ponder the things and the word of God,” Milton says. “It was really prophetic. It helped to recall everything the Lord had spoken before. I was so glad to see it in reality.”

And, Milton says, he strongly believes that God wants His children to use their mouths in these end times not only to speak His Word but also to prophesy. Milton has that gift, but he says others can have it too.

“Rather than talking about war, I strongly believe we are called to prophesy to tell what needs to happen,” Milton says. “We are called to speak, to command what needs to happen. Maybe some doors may be closed, some justice may be closed, some vindication may be closed. But we are called to prophesy and to speak for justice, to make things happen … not what we want, but according to what God wants. So obviously for that to happen, we need to have the mind of Christ.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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