Cindy Jacobs Prophesies, ‘The Lord Says I Am Wooing You’


The Holy Spirit showed me a vision of people. You’re worshipping; you’re trying to worship.

You’re worshipping in your home or worshipping at church, but you don’t have a lot of feelings. It kind of bothers you, as you’re trying to tell the Lord how much you love Him. You’re doing it in faith.

This is what the Lord said to me:

I Am Wooing You

“I watch you, and I understand that you struggle,” says the Lord. “I am your bridegroom and I am sending you love, and I am wooing you.” The Lord says, “Even though it’s hard and you may feel that I don’t see you, I am watching you. And just [in] the moment [when] you glance towards Me, I see; I catch your eye.”

The Lord says, “I want to remind you of a wedding. I want to remind you that there is a day coming that is going to be glorious for you and glorious for Me; when we are going to have the marriage feast at the table of the Lord, the marriage feast of the Lamb.”

The Lord says, “Don’t get so earthbound that you forget your destiny. Don’t get so earthbound that you forget what I am preparing. For I have gone ahead and I am preparing a place for you,” says the Lord. “I am going ahead of you and preparing such beauty, such exquisite delights.”

The Lord says, “Don’t you know that as your bridegroom, I study you? I look at what you like; I look at what brings you joy, and I am causing all of that to be created in heaven for you.”

The Lord says, “My bride, don’t forget that heaven is a real place [and] that I am preparing a mansion for you. I am going [and] I have gone ahead [of] you, and I’m actively working. We have a love relationship. I love you, and I know you love Me, and I want to awaken, once again, those emotions of love. I want to awaken, once again, your understanding of how intimate it can be.

“Come away, My beloved. Come away with Me and worship. Get caught up in raptures with Me, because it’s only a tiny taste of things to come,” says the Lord. {eoa}

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