Could Astrology Be Blocking Your Blessings?
Astrology’s rising popularity, especially among younger generations, may seem harmless—but apostle Richard Lorenzo Jr. warns it carries spiritual dangers. In a recent message, he declared that consulting horoscopes or identifying with zodiac signs can open doors to demonic forces, drawing from Isaiah 47:13-14 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12, where God condemns such practices.
To order Richard Lorenzo Jr.’s new book, What’s the Purpose of Life? visit
“…practices that seem innocent like astrology can be used as deceptive forces to lead people astray into bondage,” Lorenzo says. “To those that are seeking direction and purpose, astrology offers a counterfeit solution. True guidance and identity is only found in Jesus Christ.”
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For those who have been stuck in the snare of astrology with Zodiac sign and horoscope readings, Lorenzo offers heartfelt prayer for deliverance for people to embrace real freedom in Christ.
Watch the video below to hear this powerful message.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.