Curt Landry: A Prophetic Word for America


Is God done with America? Will there be a great revival?

We need to turn on the light to see what is really happening in the Spirit.

— “Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life'” (John 8:12).

Lazarus is America

You all know the story of Lazarus. He was the brother of Mary and Martha. In this prophetic word for America, Lazarus is America, and Mary and Martha are the intercessors.

John 11

Lazarus was sick. Can we agree that America is sick? The intercessors—Mary and Martha—cry out to Jesus. The intercessors in this nation cry out to the Lord, “Lord, America is sick! Lord, don’t You see that the one whom You love is sick?”

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, what did He do? He stayed two more days in the place where He was. Did this make sense? No, not to the human mind.

Jesus, being the one through whom all things were created, knew Lazarus was sick. This was not a surprise to Him. He knew he was dying and would be buried. He even knew his decaying body would start to stink!

God is not surprised by America’s sickness.

John 11:4-7 says: “When Jesus heard this, He said, ‘This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it.’ Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. So when He heard that he was sick, He remained where He was two more days. Then after this He said to the disciples, ‘Let us go into Judea again.”

Jesus Loved Lazarus, Mary and Martha

Jesus loved Mary and Martha. He loves the intercessors. He loved Lazarus, and He loves America.

What He is doing right now, we may not understand. But we must know that His ways are higher and better than ours. He is seeing past 2020 and 2021.

He is not done with America yet!

He is transforming you, me—all of us—so that when we rule and reign with Him in the new Jerusalem for a thousand years, our character will reflect the integrity He designed us to have.

The events of the past year—COVID and the election—do not concern Him. He is focused on ensuring that America answers her call. He wants us to do it His way.

He knows there is a swamp, and He’s got a plan. So when He heard from the intercessors that America was sick, He knew more about what was going on than we imagined that He did.

Jesus Is Bringing the Darkness Into the Light

America, take heart. The righteous judge is bringing the darkness into the light! He knows about the lying and stealing that is going on in the shadows. Rest and trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

He has the authority and dominion that cannot be canceled, that cannot be sued.

In John 11:8, the disciples question Jesus. They think He is crazy for wanting to go to Judea. They said, “Rabbi, the Jews were just trying to stone You. Are You going there again?”

How often do we question the plans of the Lord?

Jesus tells them, “Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14-15a).

Do we understand what is happening? It is for His glory that God has allowed this to happen in America. But, as I said before, He is not done.

We must not:

Bury our heads in the sand.

— Preach a soft gospel message.

— Fear the cancel culture.

These are simply the stones the disciples were warning Jesus about, but Jesus was not alarmed. This all happened only days before He was headed to Calvary to shed His blood for the salvation of many. Jesus knew, and He knows today.

We Need to Walk by the Light

John 8:12 bears repeating: “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.'”

Those with the light, don’t quit. So, don’t give up. This is your time because the Lord is speaking to you in this hour.

Jesus was telling the disciples to listen and pay attention. He was on His way to Calvary. And if they didn’t understand what was going to happen with Lazarus, they were going to understand what they would witness only days later—Him hanging on a cross.

We must have the inner light of Yeshua shine bright in our lives. We need to wake up and hear Him. We have been spiritually asleep, and the only way we will listen is by divine intervention: judgment.

So, this is a call to awaken. God is not done with America yet!

We must be praying with power, with the light. We need to understand and put on His robe of righteousness, praying under His wing of protection!June Curt Landry Ad

A Call to Put on the Key of David

Intercessors everywhere, will we wake up and come into agreement? Will we lay on our shoulders the key of the house of David, taking the authority He has given us?

It is time to shut the doors on the enemy and open the door to the light. It is time to pray in agreement under our tallits and rest in the revival plans of Yeshua.

Family 67 copy“The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder. Then he shall open, and no one shall shut. And he shall shut, and no one shall open.” (Isa. 22:22). {eoa}

Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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