Kim Clement

Decade-Old Prophecy Alerts of the Coming ‘Strange July’ and ‘Hypnotic November’


As we continue to see more prophecies from the Lord fulfilled, one that we absolutely must take into account now is Kim Clement’s “Strange July” prophecy from June 14, 2014.

This Strange July prophecy speaks about the seasons of summer, fall and winter and what we can expect to come during each one.

“Summer reaches to spring and to fall. I will be the mediator, says summer. I will uncover. I will defend. My sun will shine. But yet, beneath the earth, yet beneath the earth, there is rage,” Clement prophesied.

“Is it that possibly the Spirit of God will cause many to fall in the fall?” Clement prophesied.

“However, there is an uncovering of great evil and I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats, and will shake the Republicans even more. But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, summer says, ‘I will take it so that fall can do its work in America,’” he continued.

“And during the fall there shall be many that shall fall and many that shall rise from the dust. The earth is standing prepared. I shall take it for the summer shall bring forth much in the temperatures. Strange July, strange July. Hypnotic November. And oh, Christmas, where winter shall say, ‘And me? I will make them happy,’” Clement prophesied.

The fall, Clement prophesied, is when God will reveal His chosen man to lead America.

“…and in the fall will show you whom I have chosen to pray for and guide this nation. You shall rejoice for it is My man. It is My chosen David, says the Lord,” Clement prophesied.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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