
‘Demonize Aliens?’ What Christians Should Know About the UFO Controversy


Are aliens real? That seems to be the question that everyone has been asking lately as more and more people claim to have seen them and congressional hearings are taking place to discuss them. It would appear that the little green men from outer space are holding a more prominent place in our culture. But what should Christians know about aliens? And why does a so-called pastor say we shouldn’t ‘demonize them?’

The TikTok famous LGBTQ pastor, Brandan Robertson, believes that Christians shouldn’t ‘demonize’ aliens. But what does that mean?

“Conservative Christian responses to the congressional testimony about UFOs has been ridiculous,” Robertson said. “This is the kind of stuff I’ve seen the most; conservative Christians saying that aliens are demons, and if aliens turn out to exist, it’s just demons pretending to be aliens to deceive humans.”

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To most Christians, this makes sense. We know that Satan is capable of both overtly showing himself as the leader of darkness and also disguising himself in light as well. Why wouldn’t the enemy want us to believe that he was something else that would demand our attention? He wants us to be mesmerized by him. After all, Lucifer desired the praise and worship only God is worthy of, which is what got him kicked out of heaven in the first place.

“Throughout history, every time religious people face new knowledge, their first response tends to be to demonize it,” Robertson said. “To literally say it’s of Satan, it’s of the devil, and 99.9% of the time, they’re wrong.”

Commentator Michael Knowles profoundly refuted this statement with an excellent question to ask: “What would be an example of the kind of new knowledge that was demonized?”

Scripture tells us that there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). The enemy has tried forever to get God’s people to take their eyes off of Christ and look to the things of this world since he first caused Adam and Eve to doubt God and eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. This idea that we should worry about aliens is the same tactic—it is meant to cause us to take our eyes off of the reality of who God is and to live in fear of our external circumstances.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). We are not meant to live life worried in fear about UFOs and what this may or may not mean for our future, and we certainly should not take advice from people claiming to know God who are not properly using His Word to shepherd in people. There is a difference between accepting anything and everything without testing it according to the Word of God and making decisions that seem to be most in-line with what we know about the spiritual realm.

So, instead of welcoming in everything we are taught by the media as perfect knowledge, Christians need to always go back to the basics of what God has said and what we can understand about the world from biblical contexts. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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