Demons in Glitter? Surprising Way People Are Entertaining Evil


Remember, Satan is known for disguising himself as an angel of light.

However, not everyone seems to notice this. Instead, if something seems bright on the outside, most people are willing to entertain the idea or thought of something, even if its content isn’t necessarily on the up-and-up.

In a short reaction video, Allie Beth Stuckey shared a snippet of a woman who gleefully talked about the “fairy” that she has in her kitchen and how she interacts with it.

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“I have a fairy who lives in my kitchen. His name is ‘Cinnamon.’ And I’ve worked with tons of different fairies and different types of fairies over the years,” the woman says.

The woman then describes the separate realm that fairies are from, and how they sometimes can overlap with our world, sounding eerily similar to the dark spiritual world.

“They are one of the circles that overlap our earth circle. So, they’re kind of like a next door around to us. And they can interact with us, and we can interact with them,” the woman says.

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She then urged followers to leave out offerings of sweet treats and alcohol to the creatures, which sounds much like leaving a type of sacrifice to demons. Stuckey immediately saw this as interaction with demons, and a real need for anyone involved in this to hear and receive the gospel.

“People are just searching for something more, searching for purpose and fulfillment in these very bizarre places,” Stuckey says.

This is a true reminder and a warning that Satan will do anything to try to deceive us from the truth of the gospel. For years, culture has encouraged the concept of fairies through movies, especially through the Disney corporation. We must be vigilant of what we allow into our spirit and soul, for the enemy will work his very best to come in and take over whatever he is allowed access to.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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