Did Jesus Reveal Tribulation Events During a Near-Death Experience?


God has been warning us over and over again about what is ahead. Why is most of the population not interested in listening to such warnings? Recently, a woman named Elizabeth Nebenfuhr reached out to me about a near death experience that she had as she was laying on an operating room table. She had shared some of this information before, but she felt that now was the time to share her experience in a more detailed way. I asked her to write out what she saw while she was dead, and she has given me permission to share it with all of you.

During her time with Jesus, Elizabeth witnessed cataclysms that are far beyond anything that any of us have ever experienced, and she saw that they would just keep hitting one after another. It will be a time of tremendous terror and death. People won’t have time to deal with the consequences of one disaster before another one strikes. Elizabeth was truly horrified by what she was shown, but Jesus also had some very encouraging words of comfort as well. The following is Elizabeth Nebenfuhr’s testimony in her own words…

I had two NDE’s this one I speak of here now and another 9 months later again on an operating table (I will discuss that one again as well at a later date).

I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in the summer of 2004 which then began the battle, followed by a very radical mastectomy of my left breast, It was a aggressive treatment that was also in need of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation.

After the first year and a half I was met with another challenge during my recovery, I began to experience excruciating pain that brought me to a place of begging God to please take away the pain, so much damage had been done to my nerves, muscles, tendons and joint of the arm that was given chemotherapy (before placement of port in chest), that anytime I reached out or reached up I was in agony.

All I wanted to do was praise Him with both lifted arms again without severe pain.

I prayed for healing and did everything I could to the point to where I couldn’t take it anymore?

Surgery was inevitable.

I had had many surgeries before, and remember I had my mastectomy already so I was fully trusting God that He would take care of me through this journey as well.

I have shared the testimony of my souls encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, as my body lay on operating room table, I stood with the Lord.

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Our precious LORD told me many things and I’ve shared those things with whoever would listen, on blog talks, podcasts and YouTube ministries as well as my own FB live.

He told me I had to go back and tell His children the things He told me and showed me.

He told me to ‘Tell His children, tell His people , tell is church (just like that) that He loves them and He’s coming back very soon, but before He comes back there are things they must do and things that must happen.”

I told Him ‘they will not listen or believe me…

He said “Elizabeth they did not believe me or listen to me either, and they mocked me…” then I was reminded of the words in the Bible, His crucifixion.

I have had many naysayers, but I can’t let that stop me.

What I’m here today to share with you is about what He imparted into my spirit (it’s hard to describe) that I could only share bits and pieces throughout the years because it is so painful and traumatic.

The faces I saw in my spirit broke my heart, I call it “The faces of hopelessness” many will die with those faces and the faces of terror.

Hearing Him speak and being shown His great sorrow was the absolute worst, I was absolutely broken from His words.

GOD does not take pleasure in the demise of the sinful people.

This will happen because man did it all to themselves because of the sin of greed.

Lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

Because they put another god before Him.

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This is not easy to talk about and it’s hard to share and most people don’t want to hear it, but I must be obedient, this is the time to release it as best as I can.

As I was with Him, I was in awe, He was more beautiful than the English language can describe, I was shown beautiful and heavenly things, but I also knew the seriousness of what He was speaking to me in this visitation.

He spoke to me in a serious, gentle and calm voice and He said “Elizabeth, I have work for you and you must listen.”

He impressed upon me that His children must worship Him in spirit and in truth!

His children today must be prepared to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power in these days to come.

He impressed upon my spirit that His coming is very, very soon and He began to impress upon me the things to come.

He said “I am coming soon!” And I knew as He spoke that it was very, very soon.

He then said ” Before I come there will be catastrophic events and great destruction… and hopelessness”

It was impressed upon me what those things will look like and I will now speak of those things.

I will say this… that after this visitation I was never the same, I knew His great love, His sorrow about sinfulness but I also knew His Holy justice.

My heart was in distress for many days after I cried wanting to go back with Him, but I knew I had to return and care for my husband, children and later grandchildren, but mostly I had to preach and share what I saw.

The things that will come up on the earth will be terrifyingly unbelievable.

It will be one thing after another, The Earth will open up and people will fall into the Earth into the pits as the Earth enlarges its mouth as the Bible says,

The Earth will roll and topple (become distorted in form), it will not just be in one place as earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis have happened before, this will be like nothing that has ever been seen before.

People will cry out for it to stop…

There will be one devastation and then another and then another, people will not have time to concern themselves with their loss before another happens.

We see these things happening already, but people will not be able to even keep up with them.

It’ll be one hurricane after another one earthquake after another, one tsunami after another.

Before, during and after such things parents will be running to and fro trying to find their children as they are taken from them. As like the days of the Holocaust

Mothers will be crying out in the street because her children are either dead, dying or dragged away.

These things are happening right now in other countries, but soon America will see these things.

This is what was spiritually impressed upon my spirit.

All this time I was asking Jesus to help me to remember it all, but I also did not want to be given such an assignment it was going to be hard and I knew it and I knew I was going to be hated for what I must stand for, possibly even die for all of what I’m shown and told (no one wants to be hated, threatened or murdered, but GOD)

Most Christians today they just want to tell of the good things so no one will be upset…I told the LORD I needed His help and boldness and He filled me right there and then.

I told Him all He shows me and must align with His words written in the Bible…

Fire will consume so much of the land, Waters will cover houses not in just one small town, but many, whole states will be destroyed in moments.

Jesus was emphasizing that He wants his children prepared to not be caught off guard.

The revealing of the Antichrist will come upon all men soon.

When he showed me the signs of the times (2006) things hadn’t quite began yet as they are now, but we’re now in the contractions of birth.

We’re in the time of sorrows, Tribulation has begun!

It’s not something that’s coming, It’s here, it’s now!

The strong delusion is here!

The gross darkness will cover the whole Earth soon and gross darkness the people! Isaiah 60:2

You will see people doing things you never thought they would would do in their own front yards and there will be nothing you can do about it!

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Lawlessness will cover the whole earth and there will be no one to bring justice, but the Almighty GOD.

Woman will take the lives of their babies in their own womb in the streets to make a point to those who want to save their babies and there will be nothing anyone can do…evil will seem as if it’s having its way.

People will be in great terror and try to flee, but they will be caught.

The unthinkable things they do in the dark will be done in the open air …Isaiah 24:18

The darkness that will take place will be worse than what people were doing in Pompei before it’s great destruction there will not even be ash left that takes the form of it’s victims.

There will come many SUDDENLIES!

Oh, LORD have mercy!

I could only feel His great sorrow as His words spoke to me.

There will be more plagues like nothing we have seen, that will come upon the people, Zech 14:12.

The Anti Christ will be enthroned and world war will follow, war that brings all consuming fire, weapons of mass destruction…nuclear weaponry upon the Earth.

The judgment upon those who warred against Jerusalem (as the word says) Zechariah 14

No one will be able to say this has happened before, because there will be no history of it ever having happened, because it will be much worse than the days of Noah and Sodom and Gammorah.

The people who love sinfulness will bow down to the anti Christ and they will murder for what pleases their flesh.

The cries in anguish and the cursing of God will be horrendous.

People will curse their pastors, the church people will be murderously angry and turn against each other, because their pastors told them to do this or to do that, they will receive the mark… yes I was told Christians will be deceived, they are already because they listened and trusted a man/men.

There will be great hunger and people will do the unthinkable to fill their bellies.

People will go insane!

Pray that you would be able to escape these things to come!

Repent of sin now!

Return to the LORD if you have not done so already!

Jesus told me ” Do not be afraid!” It will be a fearful time.

“The great and dreadful day of the Lord” is a phrase from the Bible that refers to a time of judgment when Jesus will return and destroy the wicked…

The phrase appears in the Bible in reference to Jesus’ Second Coming. It describes a day of judgment that will be terrifying, cruel and full of fury.

Amos 5:18: “The day of the LORD is darkness, and not light”.

Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come”.

Isaiah 13:9: “Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger”.

Be reminded that these faces of hopelessness and the death and destruction that you see will be all over the world just like this, but magnified and multiplied.

Michael Snyder’s new book entitled Why is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

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