Did ‘The Simpsons’ Predict a Kamala Harris Presidency?


There has been much ado about Kamala Harris since becoming the presumed Democratic presidential nominee in recent days, thanks in no small part to the decades-old animated show, “The Simpsons.”

Perhaps the most notable of “The Simpsons'” ‘prophecies’ is the election of former President and current Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

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Within the episode that eludes to a President Trump, Season 11, episode 17 in March of 2000, is another potential future president that set social media on fire after Vice President Kamala Harris became the de facto Democratic candidate following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he is withdrawing from the race.

The episode reveals that the eldest daughter, Lisa Simpson, addresses herself as the “first, straight, female president” while dressed in a familiar pant-suit as well as commenting on a dire financial situation.

Vice President Kamala Harris wore a near identical suit in her swearing-in ceremony, as well as a matching necklace.

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While “The Simpsons” does appear to have uncanny luck at predicting future events, much like the satire news outlet “The Babylon Bee,” folks should not look to these predictions as any sort of prophetic experience.

Although it is quite intriguing how certain outlets are able to hit the target on a prediction so incredibly well, and far off in the future. So well in fact, that it has earned the show a loyal group of fans who track how many predictions have actually come true over the course of the cartoon’s three-decades-long broadcast run.

This election season will see all kinds of tricks used to predict who will win the presidency and what is in store for the United States in the future. There is only one source of wisdom with inerrant truth found within it and that is the Word of God. Read it, and pray to the Lord for supernatural discernment of the days in which we are currently living.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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