Rabbi Kirt Schneider with Eric Metaxas: Discussing Jewish Jesus, Christianity


You can’t have one without the other.

Judaism and Christianity hold special relationship no other belief systems share.

Jesus was born and raised a Jew, followed the Law and ended up being the fulfillment of the Law according to Christian theology.

Recently, Eric Metaxas sat down with Messianic Rabbi Kirt Schneider to discuss his transformation in becoming a Messianic Jew, and the deep connection between Jews and Christians today.

“I like to say the Old and New Testaments fit together like a hand in a glove,” Rabbi Schneider explains.

“It’s difficult sometimes because of all the details, and for what seems even like minutia to some people… because of all the details, and all the laws, and people having a difficult time relating to it or finding how it applies to their life, they don’t see how the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament connect.”

If you want to know more about how the Old and New Testaments are intertwined and inseparable parts of the living Word of God, you don’t want to miss this enlightening and introspective look into the unity of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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