Duck Commander Phil Robertson Endorses ‘God Less America’ by Todd Starnes
Phil Robertson, the outspoken, God-fearing patriarch in the groundbreaking A&E reality television series Duck Dynasty, has endorsed the book God Less America by host of Fox News & Commentary Todd Starnes.
Robertson, also known as “The Duck Commander,” posted the endorsement on his Facebook page, encouraging followers to pick up a copy Starnes’ exposé of the attack on traditional values in America.
“Fox News Channel’s Todd Starnes feels like a Duck Dynasty guy living in a Miley Cyrus world,” Robertson stated on Facebook. “That’s the opening line of his new book, God Less America. He explores the attacks on traditional American values and the Left’s war on religious liberty. Be sure to check out his new book that features interviews with Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and members of the Robertson family!”
In his award-winning, satire-meets-serious writing style, Starnes uses a collection of true stories and interviews with people, including former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress, to demonstrate that we live in a day when right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Starnes says the White House is waging an all-out assault on religious liberty, public schools are indoctrinating our children with the gospel of secularism, and Hollywood is spewing toxins into our homes.
Robertson, a self-proclaimed Christian preacher, is no stranger to persecution for traditional Christian beliefs, as he found himself under attack from the media when, in mid-December, his interview with GQ magazine came under scrutiny.
Duck Dynasty has broken several ratings records on both A&E and cable television as a whole. The fourth season premiere drew 11.8 million viewers—the most-watched nonfiction cable series in history.
Throughout his journalism career, Starnes has covered a number of high-profile stories—taking him from Wall Street to the White House. He has made regular appearances on Fox & Friends and Hannity.