End Times Reality: How School Systems Are Robbing Your Children of Their Innocence


Read Time: 4 Minutes, 8 Seconds

The souls of your children and grandchildren have been targeted for destruction by Marxists—not Marxists in China or some other Communist nation. These Marxists are in your government-run American public school system. They are determined to rob your children and grandchildren of their innocence.

You might be surprised to learn that Marxism is rampant in our educational system—and to be clear, I’m not suggesting that your child’s teacher is necessarily a Marxist. But, unfortunately, the teachers don’t always have very much control over what the education establishment requires them to teach.

In America today, all the commanding heights of the culture are controlled by a secular-left mindset known under such labels as Cultural Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Western Marxism, Progressivism and Wokeism. It is an ideology that views Western culture in general (and Judeo-Christian culture in particular) as the primary source of human oppression. Leftists control the universities, the entertainment media, the news and information media, social media and many major corporations.

Mathematician and culture critic James Lindsay is probably the world’s leading authority on this radical-left movement. With Helen Pluckrose, Lindsay co-authored the 2020 book “Cynical Theories: How Universities Made Everything About Race, Gender and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody.” In a November 2021 podcast, Lindsay warns that the neo-Marxist woke agenda is targeting our kids for sexual and gender-identity indoctrination.

“One of the targets that woke culture wants to dismantle,” Lindsay says, “is the innocence of children… These critical theories see the innocence of children as a fundamental problem that has to be overcome in order to achieve [the children’s] ‘liberation.’ They seek to achieve the sexual liberation of children, to achieve gender liberation, to achieve racial liberation.”

Lindsay says that even elementary schools have become indoctrination centers for “gender theory and neo-Marxist queer theory” along with “the racialization of children in schools,” all of which is designed to “obliterate the innocence of children.” In fact, if you were to visit your child’s school library, Lindsay says, there’s a good chance you’d find shockingly explicit books depicting sexual activity involving schoolchildren.

One Fairfax, Virginia, mom visited her kids’ school library and checked out books that she held up and described at a September 2021 school board meeting. “Both of these books include pedophilia,” she told the board. “Sex between men and boys.” I will spare you the graphic details she described as she held up the books—but the fact that our schoolchildren could obtain such explicit pornography from the school library should shock and anger every parent and grandparent.

As this mother spoke, school board members interrupted and tried to silence her, saying, “There are children in the audience here!”—apparently oblivious to the irony that there are also schoolchildren in the library where she checked out the obscene books.

The Abolition of the Family

Why are public schools exposing schoolchildren to pornography? James Lindsay says the education establishment has a deliberate strategy to “break down childhood innocence…literally to destabilize individual children, to make them susceptible to politically actionable points of view…If they can’t understand themselves and feel confident in who they are, they will be politically manipulable, they will be anxious and depressed, they will be groomable … This destabilization of children is quite intentional.”

In other words, Marxist strategists in the education establishment know that children who question their own sexual identity can be politically “groomed” to become leftists because the radical left welcomes and celebrates every form of sexual aberration. A psychologically stable and confident child cannot be easily swayed. That’s why Marxists want to take stable children from stable homes and destabilize them, psychologically and sexually.

“This is a long-running project, rooted in Marxist theory,” says Lindsay. “It’s being used to destabilize the relationship between parents and children, childhood and adulthood, and it’s very intentional … The Marxists know what they’re doing. They are destabilizing children so they can…manipulate them into being revolutionaries for their cause. This is the point of Marxism. And you must understand that these are your children they are doing it to, so they can get what they want, which is total control over society.”

Youssef bookIf you are a parents or grandparent, I plead with you—if it is at all possible—get your children or grandchildren out of the government school system immediately. Get them into a private Christian school or a homeschool co-op. If that’s not possible, then get involved in your child’s public school. Go to school board meetings. Visit your child’s classroom. Talk to the teacher. Make sure you know exactly what is being taught to your children, what books are in the school library, and what sexual notions are being implanted in their pliable young souls.

It’s hard to believe that people in the days of Noah imagined any sin as evil as this coordinated effort to destroy the souls of children. It seems to me that the times we live in must far exceed the wickedness of the world God judged with a flood. It should be no wonder, then, that an even more frightening fate lies ahead for this world. {eoa}

The preceding is an excerpt from chapter 4 of Michael Youssef’s book, “Is the End Near?” (Charisma House, Oct. 2022). For more information, or to order the book, visit mycharismashop.com.

Dr. Michael Youssef was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States, where he fulfilled a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds degrees from Moore College in Sydney and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and a doctorate in social anthropology from Emory University in Atlanta. He founded The Church of the Apostles, which was the launching pad for his Leading The Way television and radio international broadcast ministry. Dr. Youssef has authored more than forty books, including popular titles such as Saving Christianity? and Hope for This Present Crisis. He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Atlanta.


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