End-Times Tactics for Powerful Kingdom Service
The Holy Spirit oversees the communication system of heaven. He is the one who transmits and reveals all truth to us, including future truth. Scripture tells us, “When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come,” (John 16:13, NKJV). That means everyone can hear the voice of God calling them to salvation; the Holy Spirit brings it to them.
Of course, the Spirit doesn’t suddenly stop speaking when a person gets saved. Once He’s inside you, you are His temple, and He speaks even more. Why would the Holy Spirit live inside us and not speak? That would not make sense!
Spirit Operations Procedure
The Spirit manages the power flow from heaven. Everyone who receives the Holy Spirit has this supernatural power of God available to them. Scripture makes this clear: “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,” (Acts 1:8a).This is the prophetic nature of the church. It involves all the ways in which the Spirit communicates to us plus all the ways the Spirit releases spiritual power into and through us. Although it’s for everyone who has been born again, the majority of born-again people don’t realize that. Therefore, they don’t develop or walk in this power.
To me the prophetic lifestyle makes perfect sense. It’s simply flowing with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to energize us however He chooses. I detailed the spiritual gifts elsewhere and gave examples of how they manifest. Knowing these details is important, but it is even more important to know the Holy Spirit personally and develop a singular dependence on His indwelling presence. We don’t need to consciously think about which combination of energies, gifts, anointings and supernatural manifestations is in operation in a given moment. We can just enjoy the flow of the Spirit.
Since the night my wife and I were baptized in the Holy Spirit, we have grown enough to flow with the Spirit without having to analyze or think about it too much. The supernatural life has become our normal life together. When we first began living this way, we used to think about it. Now our focus is on the fullness of our relationships with the Spirit. In this way, it’s similar to our marriage. We know each other so well that we flow through life harmoniously. There’s an ease about being together and having the same goals, as well as deferring to one another’s wisdom and abilities. For those who desire a supernatural life, staying close to the Holy Spirit builds their skill levels and credibility.
A Prophet’s Perspective of Grace
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