Lorisa Miller of UPPERROOM Dallas ministers at EOY2022.

EOY2022: Massive End-of-Year Event Unites Believers in the Power of the Holy Spirit


Read Time: 1 minute, 49 seconds

Like the disciples of Jesus gathered in an upper room on Pentecost, believers spanning several generations and continents welcomed the Holy Spirit on New Year’s Eve in Dallas, Texas, with the goal of “encountering God and His glory.” EOY2022 united worship and ministry leaders from Dallas-area churches, including UPPERROOM, as well as Spirit-filled ministries Jesus Image and Pastor Michael Koulianos, Circuit Riders, Black Voices Movement, Gen Z For Jesus and leader Brian Barcelona.

From Gen Z to Millennials to a woman recognized for her relationship with Jesus over five decades, worshippers from Central and South Americas, Europe, Australia, India and the United States responded to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to UPPERROOM Dallas three days before 2023.

For almost seven hours on New Year’s Eve, worship, teaching, prayer and proclamation of the gospel marked the ending of 2022. An invitation to receive Jesus and the baptism in the Holy Spirit highlighted the final night of the massive gathering.

Hours before midnight, UPPERROOM Pastor Michael Miller commended people who responded to an invitation to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

“Your yes is the beginning of a journey of a lifetime following Jesus,” Miller said. He exhorted them to find a healthy church family that “knows your name, story and what you’re waking up to every single day.

“Make sure the church believes in the Bible, the Holy Spirit and worship,” he said.

Reading the Bible, Miller said, is vital to spiritual growth. “Join me in walking through the Bible over the next 30 days together.”

The Bible, especially the book of Acts, emphasizes water baptism for new believers. “The third thing you need to do is get water baptized,” Miller said.

Finally, the baptism in the Holy Spirit—promised by the Lord Jesus—provides power for godly living and ministry, Miller explained.

Miller’s mentor and former pastor, Chris Seidman of The Branch Church, ministered to hungry believers in receiving baptism in the Holy Spirit.

“I believe tonight Jesus is going to touch you in a new and fresh way with His power,” Miller said.

Beginning at 2:52:21, listen to Miller and Seidman ministering the baptism in the Holy Spirit to expectant disciples of Jesus on New Year’s Eve in the video that accompanies this article or at this link. {eoa}

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Steve Rees is a former general assignment reporter who, with one other journalist, first wrote about the national men’s movement Promise Keepers from his home in Colorado. Rees and Promise Keepers Founder Bill McCartney attended the Boulder Vineyard. Today Rees writes in his free time.


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