Ex-Lesbian: How Holy Spirit Can Renew Your Mind, Break Off Your Old Sin Habits


For many coming out of the homosexual lifestyle, God will often uproot them or tell them to step away from a certain atmosphere. Maybe it’s a group of people or ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

God oftentimes needs to remove you in order to restore you. He needs to take you out of certain situations so He can renew your mind and shape you and mold you into the Christian you’re meant to be.

As God was molding me and renewing my mind, I always wondered if going back to my old environment would be a problem. Lust was always an issue, and Black women were my kryptonite.

If God placed me back into this type of environment (I had relocated to an area with minimal African-Americans), would I find myself falling back into old habits?

Listen to my latest episode of the “The Victory > The Struggle” podcast to learn how to walk through this refining process with the Holy Spirit’s power! {eoa}

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