Lady Gaga performs during halftime between the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots during Super Bowl LI at NRG Stadium.

Ex-New Age Expert Exposes the Occult Themes Hidden in the Super Bowl


Steven Bancarz used to be enamored with the occult. He actively participated in astral projection, Christ-consciousness and more. 

But now he’s out to expose the New Age and the presence of the occult in seemingly mundane events, like the Super Bowl.

Sunday night, the internet was abuzz with talk of Lady Gaga’s halftime show. While many people praised the performance, Bancarz saw something malicious beneath the surface.

He posted his analysis on Facebook: 

Pentagrams lining the stage at the Superbowl halftime show. Cross-dressing men with makeup dancing on stage. Flames, black clothing, 666 hand signs over the eyes. Typical halftime show.

I have an honest question for non-Christian truthers and political conspiracy activists who are Facebook friends with me and are reading this status. Because I am confused and want to know what your worldview is.

(This may seem strange to some Christians who have not been exposed to this kind of material before).

If we can grant, for the sake of argument, that there is a class of Satanic/occultic elites who pull strings and run the show from the top down (as most I am referring to believe in some sense or another), we can obviously agree there must be something beyond the natural material world of atoms and molecules in order for Satanism, ritual sacrifice and occult practices to even be feasible and existent.

Whether we look at Bohemian Grove cremation ceremonies or blood sacrifice of animals (maybe even fetal/human), even non-Christian truthers acknowledge that such things are spiritual in nature and involve energetic/spiritual exchange between a human and a non-human entity. They aren’t doing these rituals for nobody.

We also agree that they inhabit the astral/etheric realm in some sense or another. There must be spiritual entities inhabiting this realm that are responding to the rituals and practices performed by these elites. We seem to be on the same page here, and most Christians would be surprised to believe that most New Agers believe in demons like these (although they might use a different word).

I could draw from a variety of New Age, political activist and alternative media sources attesting to the reality of these demonic spiritual entities in relation to Illuminati rituals.

I have some questions I would like some truthers and political activists to answer regarding the spiritual nature of Illuminati rituals.

1. In your worldview, where did these “demons” come from? They didn’t create themselves of course. What is their origin?

2. Are these “demons” operating chaotically in the etheric planes, or do they have a kind of organization and intended purpose?

3. Is it possible that there is a hierarchy of these entities, and perhaps, a governing or ruling authority that orchestrates and organizes this plan? Is it possible that there is a leader enforcing control and order over the demons in the spirit?

4. Why is it impossible, or improbable, that such a leader could have the name “Satan”, as dark occultists (Crowley), theosophists (Blavatsky), Jesus and others specifically call him?

5. If both demons and Satan exist, and we must grant their existence in order to believe in the reality of spiritual Satanic/occult rituals happening at a governmental level, how do we conquer them? What are the antidote and weapon of spiritual warfare we are to use against such entities in the world and in our own personal lives?

6. Why can’t Jesus (not “religion” or “the Catholic church”, but Jesus Himself) possibly be the one who has the power against such entities? What evidence or reason is there to believe that it is impossible that Jesus has the victory over these demonic powers? 

Bancarz says he would love a response.

What do you think? Sound off! {eoa}


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