A woman raises her hand during a prayer service at the Concord Baptist Church, one day after a lone gunman ambushed and killed five police officers at a protest decrying police shootings of black men, in Dallas.

Ex-Witch Explains Where to Find Jesus In Spite of Darkness


The list of targeted cities goes on and on; the death toll from terrorist attacks this month alone is in the hundreds.  

Where is God? The question is natural, especially as tragedy surrounds the globe.  

“I know there are actually a lot of people out there struggling because they really can’t feel Jesus at all,” ex-witch Beth says in a recent video. “They can’t hear God’s voice, they can’t feel Him, they can’t feel connection.” 

Eventually, many feel like God has left them alone in the dust.  

Don’t fall prey to this deception!  

Watch the video to see how you can connect with God, in spite of what culture tells you.  


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