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Ex-Witch Shares How to Break Free of Generational Curses


When ex-witch Beth placed her faith in God instead of the world, she underwent significant deliverance from everything from demonic oppression to generational curses.

In a new video, Beth explains how generational curses—as defined in the books of Numbers, Jeremiah, Lamentations and more—affect entire lineages.  

There are really numerous ways in which a generational curse can start. For every family it will be different. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal these things to you, so that you can understand why you have been plagued for so many years. When you are under a generational curse, it affects you from Day 1 of your life until the moment it is broken. For many, that day never comes. People do not often believe in or talk about curses. They sound ancient and superstitious. They are very real, however, and the effects are countless.

What are some of the effects of generational curses? Some examples are depression and other mental anguish such as anger or rage; addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex or pornography; being accident prone; financial problems; relationship problems (divorce, family fall outs, etc.); (losing) things or having things taken from you frequently; having things around you break frequently: barrenness or infertility. These are just some of the examples of curses. Not all of these are necessarily generational/ancestral, but generational curses seem to be the most common.

But before a person can break free, he or she must follow these steps. Watch the video to see more. 


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