Ex-Witch Uncovers Secrets of Blood Offerings, Occult and Freemasonry


Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Jac Marino Chen spent years caught up in all kinds of demonic, supernatural occurrences. Now, in an interview with Allie Beth Stuckey, Chen is sharing how she got out of the darkness and into the light.

As a child, Chen had an encounter with entities which she originally believed were angels, later on to discover that they were actually aliens. As a teenager, Chen was drawn to New Age beliefs like the law of attraction and how she could control her reality. Eventually, Chen found herself deep into occultic practices.

“I started being influenced by these entities,” Chen says. “One thing led to another led to another until I joined in an occult order called The Golden Dawn where we practiced ritual magic in a Freemason lodge, and it was there that Jesus Christ met me in that darkness and saved me.”

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Before Chen was saved by Christ, she found herself in a relationship with a man based on the concept of “twin flames.” This ideology leads people to believe that they are supposed to be together no matter what, regardless of important factors like marital status. The belief is that these two people are the same as one another and have no other option than to be together.

“He taught me that we lived hundreds of lives and we were each other,” Chen says. “And that in some of them we sadly were sent on different quests but we were the same being, ultimately.”

“Ultimately, I made this man my god,” she continues. “He became my religion, teaching me about the New Age.”

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As Chen’s life continued to spiral downward, learning about paganism, polyamory and taking psychedelic drugs to communicate with demonic entities, she eventually found herself joining an occult order.

“I was walking down the street and I saw a Freemason Lodge and [it] glowed,” Chen says. “So that got me more into the Masonic texts, cabalistic texts…it is a secret society, ultimately, I think that it has a lot to do with idolatry and gnosticism.”

While Freemasonry is known for being a brotherhood, according to Chen, there are Masonic orders for women as well.

“I ended up being led to the Golden Dawn…really I ended up being led there because I saw these tarot cards that were glowing and they ended up being the tarot deck by a man named Alister Crowley, and he’s known as the most wicked man to have ever lived,” Chen says.

Chen says that when she went to become initiated into the Freemason order, she was dressed in a black robe and red socks, and was encouraged to meditate before it took place.

“I was hoodwinked so I couldn’t see, and it was very dark. A lot of it had to do with taking John 15 out of context, that you’re going into the darkness to shine the light of knowledge in it, the secret knowledge,” Chen says. “There was a sword put to my neck swearing that I would never share what I learned.”

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Chen would soon learn the darkness of blood rituals, including the secret behind abortion.

“…blood in general [was considered] powerful for magic practices. So when I see people doing things like abortion rituals…seeing it as a practice as something magical, it makes sense with the lies that I was believing back then.”

As dark as this phase of Chen’s life was, Christ was able to break through even these horrendously dark parts.

“I got out my Bible and I started reading it, still thinking I had the secret knowledge, but it didn’t matter because as I was reading it was like I was being filled,” Chen says. “Every other thing would leave me hungrier and emptier and I would keep searching and searching, always learning, never coming to the knowledge of truth. But with this it was like satisfying me. And I just kept reading it and reading it.”

Chen learned about God’s holiness and what sin truly meant. She discovered what the price of sin cost, with Christ laying down His life in exchange for her redemption.

“I knew that the Lord was with me and spoke to me through His Word and I could run to Him in prayer,” says Chen.

Chen’s testimony is a reminder of how there is absolutely nothing greater than Jesus Christ, and it is Him and Him alone where we can find complete fullness, joy and deliverance.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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