Exposing The Biggest Lie Christians Believe After Salvation, And How to Break Free


What if the very first thought you had after giving your life to Jesus was actually a lie from the enemy?

According to Kelly K of Kelly Kopp Ministries, countless believers have spent decades unknowingly trapped in a deception that keeps their focus on themselves instead of Christ.

“Think back to the day you gave your life to Jesus,” Kopp says. “As soon as you did, you had a thought. You remember, don’t you? The thought was this: ‘Now if I can just get this sin out of my life, I’m going to have a great relationship with God.’”

It sounds good—almost holy. But Kopp insists this is “a lie straight from the pit of hell.”

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Why would Satan want you to fix your sin?

“Because if you’re trying to fix your sin, where’s your focus? On you,” Kopp explains. “But what does the Bible tell us? To fix our eyes on Him.” The enemy’s strategy is subtle—convince believers to do what only Jesus can do, making them feel like failures when they inevitably fall short.

Kopp reminds us of the core of the gospel: “If I could have fixed my sin, I would have by now—but I can’t. That’s why I need Jesus.” Yet many Christians spend years struggling, never realizing that they are trying to take back what they were meant to lay down.

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So, how do we overcome sin?

“Expose it,” Kopp declares. “Sin grows in the darkness. The devil tells you, ‘Don’t you dare tell anyone about that sin in your life. They’ll judge you. You should be ashamed.’ But that’s a lie. Shining light on sin kills it.”

Instead of hiding and striving, Kopp urges believers to bring their struggles into the open and trust God. “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. He wants you free more than you do.

“If you could have fixed your sin by now, you would have. But you can’t—and that’s OK, because Jesus can,” Kopp explains.

So, stop striving and start trusting. Shift your focus from your sin to your Savior, and let Him do what only He can do.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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