Famous Lexington Arena Becomes New Site for Asbury Revival Services


Christian evangelist Nick Hall provided a space over the weekend for the Asbury revival to continue after Asbury University shut it down.

There was plenty of space at the Rupp Arena in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, located about 30 minutes from Asbury in Wilmore. And while hundreds showed up for the last-minute, low-key, free-flowing event, the revival meeting did not gain enough publicity beforehand to fill the massive arena.

Hall told WTVQ-TV he received numerous messages from people wanting to see the Awakening continue in Lexington, so he was able to get the arena.

“We want to help people be able to feel confident to take this home, to reach their friends. And our prayer is that this will be unleashed in thousands of churches and schools from this place to the nations,” Hall had said.

Asbury’s president had said options would be opened up in the central Kentucky area after he closed down the revival. But then potential sites were never announced. That’s when Hall said he simply wanted to provide a space for God to keep moving, according to ChurchLeaders.com.

Hall told the outlet he attended the revival at Asbury and “God really worked at my heart.” What caught his attention almost immediately was the authenticity of the event.

“It changed me forever,” he said.

link new cm link coverimageGreg Gordon, the founder of SermonIndex.net, noted on social media some of the testimonies from Rupp Arena on Sunday, including the thought, “Could this be the Great Awakening?”

“Some testimonies tonight from the Rupp Arena meeting: ‘The Lord is preparing us to go home / This is the great rehearsal.’ – Lee University Student. ‘He’s coming soon!!’—Nick Hall. ‘How close are you really to me? God is not even done with this move of God.’—Student,” he tweeted.

Gordon added, “I personally was struck with the thought, could this be the beginning of a great awakening the Lord is sending to prepare His Bride for His soon coming and for the ingathering of the final harvest.”

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