Has the Spirit of Fear Taken Hold of You Through This?


When it comes to cancer, Prophet James Goll knows what he’s talking about. Not only did the internationally known minister, author and speaker go through three bouts of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but he also lost his wife, Michal Ann, to colon cancer in 2008. Still, Goll says on the “Hope Through Cancer” series on Charisma News, “we elevate cancer as the big C,” and that’s wrong.

“I want everybody to know, through the trials, through the storms, through the winds and the waves and even the difficulties of life. I want everybody to know this: Jesus Christ is the big C; cancer is the little c,” Goll says. “And everything that has a name has to bow the knee. So whether it’s now or later, cancer has to bow at the name of Christ Jesus.”

Goll says his core value “all things work together for good for those who love God and have been called to his service,” taken from Romans 8:28, helped him face his challenges. “I do believe that when we bring everything–even the difficult things—to Him, He will melt, mesh and work it together for our good.”

After losing his wife and raising their four children as a single father, Goll also encourages others that “your family doesn’t have to come all torn apart through the trials you go through. You can come out on the other side.”

For more of Goll’s prophetic encouragement, listen to the podcast below.

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