How This Ex-Witch Was Transformed By the Redeeming Power of the Cross
Beth had been deeply abused by the Mormon church, family members and boyfriends, causing her to develop an obsession with death.
“By the time I was 13 I was extremely depressed and obsessed with death. I began to write poetry about death and dying, and short stories about vampires, abuse, death and romance,” she writes on her blog. “My sisters husband tried molesting me several times and even tried breaking into my house to rape me when my parents were gone one day. I can look back now and see the grace of God protecting me from most of his advances.”
But she continued to ignore God, associating Him with the church and people who tortured her. Instead, she turned to Wicca and other New-Age practices.
“I threw myself into learning about witchcraft and the occult, as well as many other new age practices. I taught myself about Buddhism, Hinduism, Kabbalah and more. I worshiped the moon and the ocean and did many rituals and spells. I did crystals and other gems over my chakras and awakend my third eye. I did yoga and meditated and tried to open my mind to higher levels. I did rituals where I astral projected and constantly called on gods and goddesses to bless and protect me, as well as enhance my rituals and spells.”
Beth journeyed deeper into the occult abyss, eventually becoming pregnant and a single mom. Through her heartache, she found love once more. However, she says happiness was still elusive.
“I desperately missed my practice of witchcraft. I began looking for a coven or group to join again, now that my life was stable. I would teach my children the things I knew about witchcraft and talk to them about the special holy days such as Samhaim and Yule. I even did a ritual with my family once in our backyard. I was constantly searching for an outlet to grow spiritually again,” she writes.
That’s when God intervened. Watch the video to see more of her testimony!