Humility is a Force That Works With Honor


This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries.

*Note: This is the second in a two-part series. You can view the first part here.

Honor and Humility Are the Currencies in Heaven

Similar to honor, humility is also a currency in Heaven. So keep this in mind as we pray today. I want you to take into consideration what you learn in these prayers. They are touchpoints from the Holy Spirit about areas you may need to repent of. Maybe I need to repent of some places where pride has seeped in because it’s part of life. We’ll do it together, praying and asking the Spirit to guard us against it consistently.

Things to Remember When Battling in the Courts of Heaven

There are keys we must remember when we’re battling and praying in the Courts of Heaven.

  1. Walk in humility.

We have to walk in humility when we start having a lot of victories because pride can creep in, and you start thinking, “Well, maybe I’m the one doing this.”

So we have to walk in humility because God’s Word says, “The Lord resists the proud. He gives grace to the humble.” We see that in the Bible in James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5.

Humility is essential to spiritual warfare. It impacts the victory and the verdict that you receive. We need to understand that we only receive it because of the power of the blood of Jesus. Humility leads to repentance and wisdom.

  1. Live a lifestyle of repentance.

So I always try to encourage people. I don’t want to focus on negative things. But here’s the key: you must have a lifestyle that’s quick to repent. That is the beginning of wisdom, understanding the longer you leave an offense or wound uncovered, the worse it will get. Repentance covers the offenses and wounds in our lives with the blood of Yeshua.

Christie and I have three grandchildren, and they all are little daredevils. These are fearless little people who like to jump off of anything. I mean, they love to swim. Praise God, two of them are swimming. We got one more to go. But in the process of being healthy and loving all that activity, they get wounds, scrapes and bruises.

When they get a boo-boo, you pray for them and kiss the boo-boo. Then you got to clean it off with some antiseptic and put Neosporin and a bandaid on it. So the sooner you can get it covered, the better.

So why is that important? The reason it’s important is that the wound is going to become an issue if it gets infected. If it gets cleansed immediately and treated appropriately to get rid of the germs, and it doesn’t get infected, then the body has a natural way of healing itself.

And the little people, and praise God, I’m one of them too, heal very quickly because we have strong immune systems.

Understanding How Repentance Works in the Spirit

But you need to understand that in the Spirit when you get a cut, it is a picture of sin. If you just let it fester, it’s going to get infected. Then, all of a sudden, you’re going to have to get on antibiotics, and you have a bigger battle on your hands.

It’s just better to immediately repent once the sin is there. Don’t wait and let it fester. Immediately cleanse it and then immediately put the Neosporin, so to say, the blood of Jesus. Put a bandaid on it and cover it and let it heal.

  1. Stand in agreement with God’s Word.

When you stand in agreement with God’s Word, you adopt His mindset and truth, which empowers you. So it’s not enough just to speak His Word. It’s about adopting them as your own words. It’s embracing and having a faith mindset that you believe what His Word says about you more than what you have thought in the past.

If the Lord has said something is wrong, then it’s wrong. Why fight the Lord? A lot of people think, “Well, maybe this is a sin.” Listen, it’s really quite simple: Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

And the thing is, especially if you’re sensitive in the Spirit, you’ll know what you’re doing because you’ll feel conviction, not condemnation. If He has said something is righteous, then it is righteous. And then, if something is righteous, find righteous behavior and habitually do that versus bad behavior.

Because when you make that conscious decision, you’re going to have different results in your life. Come into agreement with God’s Word and bring Him glory, which releases restoration to you. So one of the biggest keys to walking in humility is to say, “I surrender to God’s ways, and I agree with God’s ways because that is wisdom,” and that humility will open many doors and heal your body.

  1. Extend forgiveness.

If you’re battling unforgiveness in your heart, it blocks Heaven’s powers in your life. The Lord gives you the divine power to forgive because you have been forgiven. And that’s really the key to the Lord’s prayer: the need to forgive others.

Probably one of the strongest things you can do is ask the Lord to show you the other person’s heart. This can be painful. My wife is the one that does the intercession in our family for this. If we’re having a challenge with an employee, we’re having a challenge with a relationship or someone is suffering, she’s like quick to this. She’ll pray, “Lord, show me their heart. Why are they behaving this way? What wound is in their past?”

She’ll start interceding for them, and the Lord will show her, “This happened, and this is why they can’t trust. This is why this rebellious behavior is coming. This is why they aren’t able to respond correctly at this touchpoint that we’re intersecting within their life.”

And then she starts to intercede for it and pray, and I’ll intercede with her and pray as well. But many times, I’m the one that will have to speak with them. And when I do, I feel safe bringing it up after we’ve interceded and prayed, knowing how to come as a father in love and, through a series of questions, say, “Hey, could it be this?”

When the disciples said to Jesus, “Lord, will you teach us to pray?” Jesus responded with a prayer recorded in Matthew 6:9–13. Jesus taught His disciples to pray by addressing their Father where He was–in heaven. And to ask Him for His will to be done, not theirs.

So the Lord’s saying, “You need to say first of all, ‘Lord, let Your will be made known to me and let Your will be made manifest to me that I might say yes.” And that’s what we have to do. {eoa}

VIctory in Spiritual WarfareClick here to view Rabbi Landry’s book on spiritual warfare!

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Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.


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