Jennifer Lawrence says Kim Davis makes her ashamed to be from Kentucky.

‘Hunger Games’ Jennifer Lawrence Spits Fire Over Kim Davis


Kentucky’s own Jennifer Lawrence is practically breathing fire over the county clerk who claimed “God’s authority” to deny same-sex marriage licenses.  

“Don’t even say her name in this house,” Lawrence tells Vogue‘s Jonathan Van Meter. 

Apparently Davis is the “lady who makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky.” 

But it’s Davis’ supporters that really ignite Lawrence’s anger.  

“All those people holding their crucifixes, which may as well be pitchforks, thinking they’re fighting the good fight. I grew up in Kentucky. I know how they are,” Lawrence tells Vogue. “I was raised a Republican, but I just can’t imagine supporting a party that doesn’t support women’s basic rights. It’s 2015, and gay people can get married, and we think that we’ve come so far, so, yay! But have we? I don’t want to stay quiet about that stuff.” 

Lawrence isn’t Davis’ first critic, nor will she be the last. Westboro Baptist even showed out to protest the clerk.  

Despite Lawrence’s stance, though, Davis supporters are making strides, with Governor-elect Matt Bevin as a prime example.  

Bevin reportedly visited Davis when she was in jail for refusing to issue the licenses, a move that may have handed him the election.  

“The election was not even close,” says Davis’ attorney Mat Staver. “The lopsided victory for Matt Bevin stunned most political pundits. There is no question that the issue of religious freedom and same-sex marriage played a role in the results. The people favor traditional values and marriage, and they are tired of the political elites represented by Governor Beshear who are out of touch with ordinary, God-loving citizens.” 

“We look forward to working with Governor Elect Matt Bevin to accommodate the religious convictions of Kim Davis and other Kentucky clerks. Finally, we will have common sense and the Constitution prevail in Kentucky.”

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