Lindsay Lohan

Is Lindsay Lohan Converting to Islam?


Lindsay Lohan was seen carrying the Muslim holy book earlier this week, sparking questions on if she is converting to Islam. 

“I’m a very spiritual person and I’ve become more spiritual as time has gone on,” Lohan told Oprah last year. “I’m really in touch, whether it’s prayer or meditation … there are so many powers greater than me in the world. I’ve been blessed and lucky enough to have been given a gift to share with other people.”

Lohan is no stranger to hopping religions. She was raised Catholic and joined a Buddhist club in 2012. 

A spokesperson for Lohan told The Independent Lohan has become fascinated with Middle Eastern culture, though, “to my knowledge she is not considering fully converting to Islam.”

Lohan is far from the first celebrity to turn away from a Judeo-Christian background. The International Business Times lists Muhammad Ali, Janet Jackson and Liam Neeson as other converts. 


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