Isaiah Saldivar: This is What’s Behind the Attempted Assassination of Trump


Isaiah Saldivar recently shared the main reason he believes that someone tried to kill the former president of the United States.

Regardless of how someone feels politically about Trump, Saldivar says that we all can acknowledge that what took place on Saturday was absolutely despicable. He also points out what he says is the real reason as to why someone would attempt to take Trump’s life.

“The biggest issue right now in our country is abortion. Seventy million-plus babies murdered since 1973,” Saldivar continues. “Here you have a guy, put all your biases aside, who stands for life, who is outspoken about being pro-life, who is outspoken about marriages between one man and one woman, and to me the devil hates that.”

“There’s something demonic going on,” Saldivar says. “We know as Christians the battle is not flesh and blood. We are fighting a spiritual battle. You don’t have to believe this [but] this was a spiritual thing going on. It was a spirit of murder in this guy…no one just decides ‘I’m going to kill a president.’”

“This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that is busted his drum, ear drum,” Biggs said in the prophecy video. “And I saw he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshipping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame.”

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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