Jenny Marrs Praises God for Divinely Ordained Trip to Italy


HGTV star Jenny Marrs shared her recent trip to Italy and explained how its perfect timing was planned by God.

“A handful of months ago, over dinner with longtime friends, we dreamt of taking a trip together to Italy,” Marrs said. “It seemed impossible with schedules and kids but did it anyway. We cashed in miles and coordinated alllllll the things on the calendar and we made it happen (I still can’t believe it!).

“For Dave and I, this was our first trip back without any work on the agenda and I was able to unplug in a way I haven’t in a long time,” she continued.

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This trip ended up being more than just a random excursion. It was the rest that Marrs didn’t know she needed, allowing her to unwind and recover like she hadn’t in a long time, something she believes was ordained by God.

“Before we left, God gave me a verse, Psalm 146:8b: ‘The Lord lifts the burdens of those bent beneath their loads,’” she explained. “I had no idea how bent beneath my load I would be when we booked this trip. But God knew what was in store.”

“He knew I needed to go and laugh with my husband and my friends in the place that restores my soul and inspires my spirit more than anywhere in the world,” Marrs added. “I’m immensely grateful for the time away and grateful to be back in my very favorite place, home.”

Marrs certainly has much to be exhausted from after months of travel to and from Europe for her latest season of FIXER TO FABULOUS which took place in Italy.

Their project, renovating an Italian villa, was “the biggest, oldest, most ambitious project we’ve ever tackled,” Marrs said. “It’s pressure at every turn.”

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Meanwhile, she has also been working on her second book. She recently sent the finished manuscript to her publisher.

As Jenny Marrs works on her second book, she’s reflecting on “the mom-of-my-heart” who she wishes was around to read it.

“I just emailed my first draft of my full manuscript for my second book to my editor,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “The relief I feel right now is palpable (granted, there is plenty of work still to be done with the editing process but this is a HUGE step and I’m celebrating 🙌).”

Marrs explained that the book is “all about God’s abounding faithfulness,” adding that she has “never written anything more vulnerable.”

“I have never prayed so hard for the Holy Spirit to give me the stories and the words I should share and for the enemy to back down already,” she wrote.

This article was originally published by It is republished here with permission.


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