Jeremiah Johnson: 7 Things Coming in 2025


What should we expect to see happen this year?

In a recent message to the body of Christ, prophetic voice Jeremiah Johnson explained seven things he believes Christians should be prepared for in this upcoming year.

1. An army of intercessors must rise up to shield Donald Trump as the incoming president.

“I know that there has been a lot of prayer, I know that there has been a lot of intercession from saints to get Donald Trump elected as president,” says Johnson. “As much prayer as many people put into his election, there is a greater need to pray for Donald Trump and his presidency now that he has been elected. In other words, there’s great danger that the saints, the watchmen, the church, just kind of goes back to sleep now that he is elected as president.”

Johnson says that there is need to pray in three main areas concerning Donald Trump and his incoming presidency. Johnson says Trump has been elected as a wartime president for such a time as this. However, he believes the enemy will do anything he can to stop God’s purposes for him during these times. He further believes the enemy will try to attack and tempt Trump in a very specific way. Last, Johnson says that we must pray against any further assassination attempts on Donald Trump’s life.

2. There is not only an external war being waged on Israel, but an internal, spiritual one as well.

Johnson says that while many people have been focused on the external war happening within Israel, he says the Lord gave him a prophetic dream about what is happening in the spiritual realm regarding Israel.

“I had a recent prophetic dream where I found myself in Israel, and God said to me, ‘Jeremiah, although much attention is being placed on the conflict and war coming against Israel externally, you must realize that the greater war and conflict is coming against Israel internally. For there is a spirit of accusation within the Israeli government that will seek to sabotage the plans I have her. The intercessors must pray not only for the enemies of Israel who surround her, but also the enemies of Israel who dwell within her,'” Johnson prophesies.

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3. A group of preachers of holiness will rise in 2025 after the great exposure of sexual sin in the church in 2024.

Johnson says he saw a vision that starting this year and beyond the Lord would hand out “the spears of Phineas” to specific individuals who had consecrated themselves to God with a strong stand for righteousness. While Johnson believes the exposure of more sexual wickedness will come out in 2025, he says this will happen during a time of righteous leaders being raised up.

“As some fall in 2025 and beyond, God is raising up a new generation of pure, holy, devoted messengers who are going to make Jesus great again,” Johnson says.

4. This is a time to remember Mephibosheth.

Mephibosheth, who was the grandson of Saul, the son of Jonathan in the Old Testament, is not a person from Scripture we tend to think about a lot. Mephibosheth was unable to walk throughout his lifetime, and when David began to reign as king, David gave him a place to sit at his table, one of honor and royalty. It is the Mephibosheths of today that Johnson says we must take into account.

“In a recent prophetic dream, God began to show me a generation of Mephibosheths who have been sidelined and hurt by the religious system, but who will find healing and restoration at David’s table in 2025 and beyond,” says Johnson. “Many of these Mephibosheths are victims of abuse and the poor and the needy whom have been forgotten about.”

5. This is the season for oil, stewardship and judgment.

Johnson says the Lord highlighted the teachings of Matthew 25 to him for what we can expect in 2025 and beyond.

“The first is the parable of the 10 virgins,” says Johnson. “The need to have oil in our lamps, this is intimacy with God, has never been greater in this season. We must not become so focused on building ministries or churches that we lose our prayer lives. God is going to raise up burning and shining lamps in the spirit of John the Baptist who will confront many regarding their apathy and complacency with God.”

He also believes that stewarding our time, money and possessions in God-honoring ways will also make a difference in 2025 and beyond.

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6. We will see an increase in angelic activity.

Johnson had a prophetic dream that he believes will mean some people will experience more angelic activity.

“I received a prophetic dream in September of 2024 of a large number of angels being assigned to many people, leaders and even nations in 2025 and beyond. Psalm 34:7 says, ‘The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them. ‘ The fear of the Lord is a major key in God delivering His people in the years ahead.”

Johnson says three types of angels that he saw being released included angels for provision, protection and warfare.

7. There is a war on our words.

Johnson notes that during this time while many people have been called to start new businesses, ministries and churches, there is a very real and tangible Leviathan attack coming against our words and seasons. However, he says this demonic monster will be defeated.

“As Leviathan attempts to sow discord, betrayal and confusion during new seasons, I want to encourage you if you’re underneath this attack or it’s coming in 2025 and beyond, you can escape Leviathan’s grasp by remaining humble,” says Johnson.

With so much happening in the spiritual and physical realm in 2025, stick close to the Lord and He will guide your path toward righteousness.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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