John Ramirez: How to Fight For Your Testimony


“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death,” (Rev. 12:11).

There is power in telling our testimony to other people so they may hear the Good News of the gospel. However, we can easily get caught up in the amazement of someone else’s story that we forget to tell our own. Yet, God has a purpose for every single one of us and the stories He wants to tell through us.

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To pre-order John Ramirez’s new book, “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook,” visit

In a recent video, evangelist John Ramirez discussed the power of victory that comes through our testimony.

“I enjoy other people’s testimonies, I’m excited about other people getting victories, but I hear a lot of Christians talking about other people, but they don’t talk about themselves,” Ramirez says.

He points out that not sharing one’s testimony comes partially from a lack of understanding spiritual warfare and how to fight in the spiritual realm.

“They don’t engage, they don’t know how to fight a good fight, they don’t know the battlefield, they don’t understand the strategies and the weapons of the enemy, they don’t have ‘The Devil’s Playbook,'” Ramirez says.

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Ramirez says this is not the time to rely on other people’s testimonies, but to fight the good fight of faith by knowing what God has, can and will do in your own life.

“I want to engage you to get you off the bench, and to drag you into the battlefield so you can fight your fights and stop relying [on] other people’s testimonies. And it’s good people got testimonies, but what about your testimony?” Ramirez asks.

“The victories that you win today [are] the stories you tell tomorrow,” he continues. “About your testimony. About what God did in you and through you. How you crushed the head of the serpent. How you broke free from addictions…you need to know how to fight your fight so tomorrow you have stories to tell and glorify the Lord with it.”

God has made us each unique in His own image, and with that He has also given us each our story, our own testimony that can glorify Him and His good purposes and works.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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