Jonathan Cahn: Are We Witnessing the Signs of Revelation?


Best-selling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s powerful sermon on the signs of the coming apocalypse provides a sobering yet hope-filled reminder of the times we are living in. From ancient prophecies to modern realities, Cahn weaves together Scripture, history and current events to reveal the urgent need for the church to stay vigilant.

“The Antichrist will declare himself God in the Holy Place,” Cahn warned, drawing from Matthew 24:15, where Jesus references Daniel’s prophecy about the abomination of desolation. Cahn explained that this Holy Place points to the Temple in Jerusalem, the epicenter of God’s prophetic timeline.

Cahn highlighted the unprecedented growth of the global population as another key sign. “Revelation speaks of multitudes and an army of 200 million,” he said. “That was unimaginable at the time John wrote it, but today, it’s not only possible; it’s reality.” Indeed, the world population has crossed 8 billion, fulfilling a context in which such prophecies could come to pass.

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One of the most chilling parallels Cahn pointed out was the connection between the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy of Wormwood in Revelation 8:10-11: “The name Chernobyl means wormwood in Russian,” he explained. “Revelation describes a great star falling from heaven, poisoning the waters. This is not coincidence.”

His sermon also pointed to the rebirth of Israel as a prophetic milestone. “In 1948, Israel was restored as a nation after nearly 2,000 years,” Cahn said. “In 1967, Jerusalem returned to Jewish hands. These fulfillments are the foundation of God’s end-times plan.” He referenced Revelation 7:4, which mentions 144,000 from the tribes of Israel, emphasizing Israel’s central role in the events of the end of days.

Cahn’s insights into Armageddon were equally striking. “Zechariah 12:3 says all nations will gather against Jerusalem. Revelation confirms this with the armies assembling at Armageddon. Look at today—anti-Israel sentiment is growing globally.” This worldwide focus on Israel is not some random event but is deeply rooted in biblical prophecy.

The sermon didn’t shy away from discussing the technological advancements enabling real-time global connectivity either. “Revelation describes events witnessed instantly worldwide. For the first time in history, technology makes this possible,” Cahn observed. From live broadcasts to social media, the world is interconnected in ways John could not have imagined.

Turning to Ezekiel’s prophecy, Cahn noted, “Ezekiel 38 speaks of a coalition of nations against Israel—Persia, which is Iran; Togarmah, which is Turkey. Look at the alliances forming today. These aren’t random; they’re prophetic.”

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Amid these alarming signs, Cahn’s message carried with it hope for the future. “Revelation is not just about chaos; it’s about the sovereignty of God,” he said. “He is in control, and we must trust Him. If you are His, these times should not terrify you but draw you closer to Him.”

Cahn’s call to action for all believers is as clear as day. “God’s people need to stay grounded in His Word. These are not times to grow complacent. Jesus said, ‘Watch, therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord will come'” (Matt. 24:42).

As we witness these signs unfold, the church must respond with urgency and faith. The fulfillment of prophecy is not merely an intellectual exercise; it’s a wake-up call from the Holy Spirit. Are we listening?

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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