Joseph Z Exposes the Dark Side of Modern Prophecy


In the dynamic world of modern Christian ministry, prophecy remains one of the most powerful yet misunderstood spiritual gifts. To shed light on the true nature and purpose of prophecy, international prophetic voice Joseph Z recently joined Joni Lamb and her co-hosts on an episode of Table Talk on the Daystar Network. As the founder of Z Ministries and author of “Demystifying the Prophetic: Understanding the Voice of God for the Coming Days of Fire,” Z offers crucial insights on navigating the complexities and dangers within the prophetic landscape today.

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Joseph Z explains this by distinguishing between the gift of prophecy, which he says is “available to all believers,” and the office of a prophet, a unique calling that carries specific responsibilities. “The gift of prophecy is for edification, exhortation and comfort,” he explains, referring to 1 Corinthians 14:3, “but the office of a prophet is governmental. It’s for equipping and building up the body of Christ.”

However, he warns of the dangers of what he calls “prophetic witchcraft,” a practice where individuals misuse the prophetic gift for manipulation or personal gain. “Prophetic witchcraft occurs when people twist the words of God to control others,” Z says. He adds that this behavior can deceive believers and lead them away from the truth. “People begin to rely on prophets more than they rely on Jesus or the Bible, and that’s a problem.”

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Z emphasizes that prophetic ministry must always point back to Christ and align with Scripture. “If prophecy doesn’t match the Word of God, it’s not prophecy—it’s manipulation,” he stresses. He draws from Deuteronomy 18:20, which states, “But the prophet who, presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who shall speak in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.”

The misuse of prophecy is especially concerning, he adds, when it is used to prey on people’s emotions and vulnerabilities. “There are prophets who tell people what they want to hear, not what God is saying. That’s dangerous,” Z warns. He describes this as a form of “psychic Christianity,” where the focus shifts away from God’s voice to personal desires.

To combat these dangers, Z urges believers to return to a pure, biblically grounded practice of prophecy. “God is not a God of confusion, but of peace,” he says, quoting 1 Corinthians 14:33. He encourages believers to test all prophetic words against Scripture, to ensure that they align with the character and teachings of Christ.

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“True prophetic ministry is simple,” he continues. “It’s about hearing God’s voice, knowing His Word and sharing it with humility and love. Anything else is just noise.”

By drawing clear distinctions between authentic prophecy and practices that distort it, Joseph Z provides valuable guidance for navigating the often murky waters of prophetic ministry. His call for discernment and adherence to Scripture serves as a reminder that while prophecy can be a powerful tool for building up the body of Christ, it must always be wielded with integrity and wisdom.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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