Joseph Z’s Incredible Testimony: ‘I Had the Boldness of the Holy Spirit Come on Me’


Prophetic voice Joseph Z has taken the world by storm with his accurate words and bold promptings from the Holy Spirit. In a recent podcast episode with Rebecca Lamb Weiss, Z had the opportunity to share the miraculous ways God has been pouring into him starting at just nine-years-old.

“When I first got born-again it was after I’d first heard the voice of God,” Z says. “I was nine years old when I first heard the audible voice of God. I was walking in a field and I heard my name shouted over the trees. It sounded kind of like wind; it sounded like I was being drawn. I was in this field [and] I heard it to the point I went back to my house over and over again.”

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Much like a modern-day Samuel, Z kept going to his father to see if he had been calling for him, but this was not the case. Z also remembered being rejected early on by part of his family when the Lord began to call out for him.

“One side of the family completely rejected that to the point that at 13 years old they asked me to leave my house,” says Z. “I got radically born again because I’d heard the voice of God. I’d seen miracles, I experienced so many things that it was undeniable that God was doing something in my life. So, I came and shared this with one side of my family and they said, ‘We don’t do that here. You can’t do that.'”

Z chose Jesus and ended up with the other side of his family. He divided into the Word of God, reading and listening to the entirety of the New Testament about once a week. He knew that God was speaking to him.

“I thought everybody could hear things about people or know things about people when they were with them,” Z says. “It was really a long learning experience for me because I’d be around people and I assumed everybody could know things about others or feel things about others or see things about people’s future.”

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Z says that just as God called him by name, the enemy likes to counterfeit the world by playing on the gifting of many people, calling them toward the darkness of psychic living and clairvoyance. The darkness even tried to speak to him, which he rejected.

“I believe that was an angel of light coming to cloak itself as a friend or saying, ‘Hey I want to know you,’ type of thing, and I believe that’s how psychics get pulled into a dark space when they don’t know any better when they’re younger. A raw gift can be in them, and darkness and light see potential in people…” Z says.

As the Holy Spirit grew Joseph in his calling, getting saved at a youth camp and going on to do ministry, including deliverance ministry, he had a profound moment where God called him to go out into the graveyard where his grandfather was buried.

“I walked there, and when I did I stood over it and I had the boldness of the Holy Spirit come on me, and I pointed at the grave, not in judgment of him, but judgment of the spirits that had come after my family, so I pointed at it and said, ‘You know what? It stops with me. All of it stops with me. And I start a new lineage in Jesus name,'” Z says.

Through his faithfulness and obedience to continue growing in his call as a prophet, Joseph Z has had the opportunity to minister all over the world and to see many people set free by the power of God’s truth. One of the biggest pieces of encouragement he has for others is that they stick to what God has called them to do.

To order Joni Lamb’s book, “Through the Storm,” visit

“You’ve got to be where God’s calling you to be, and you’ll know you’re with the right people or your tribe because you can’t say the wrong thing to the right people nor can you say the right thing to the wrong people. You got to know where you’re going, you got to line up with the right people and you will know your calling and you will hit your destiny,” Z says.


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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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