Kanye West

Kanye West Renounces Christian Faith, Calls Himself God


Jesus isn’t King for Kanye after all.

In an interview with radio host Big Boy, West revealed the issues he has with Christianity and the apparent lack of answered prayers he had when he was trying to pursue the Christian faith.

“I have my issues with Jesus,” West says. “There’s a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed, and I didn’t see Jesus show up.”

West says he had to place his experiences with the world around him, his children and his music in his own hands. He believes Christianity is too dependent upon prayer instead of taking action.

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“The main thing that really I don’t rock with…is it’s just always like, ‘I’m going to pray for you,'” West says. “You can actually physically do something yourself too.”

While this statement on the surface may sound like West is talking about faith without works being dead, he continues down the trail of listing his grievances with Christianity and how he has had to fight for his empire, ultimately leading up to calling himself God.

“I’m god, and anyone to disagree, I’m the god of me,” West says. “And you can’t tell me who I am…I’m the god of me. I don’t know if I’m in heaven already.”

West further described how one of his biggest complaints against Christianity is the concept of the fear of God.

“Another thing I don’t like in Christianity: the fear of God,” West says. “If God is love, why should you fear Him?”

West believes fear of the Lord makes a person easily controllable and vulnerable. He says he has decided he’s going to live his life without fear of anything.

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What West’s turn away from Christianity shows is that without a faith built on a firm foundation, it is certain that a person will crumble. Jesus does not promise that following Him will bring about an easy life, but He promises that He will be with us even when the storms of life build up and crash around us. Having a correct understanding of the fear of the Lord is also necessary to live out the Christian faith. The reverential awe of God helps us to see Him as holy and righteous. When we view God from this perspective, we can also have a greater understanding of what He truly did for us by taking on the sin of the world upon Himself. Scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10). Walking in wisdom means learning God’s ways and following His instructions.

While West may not believe much in the power of prayer due to his own disappointments, perhaps this is the perfect time for others to pray for his eyes to be opened to the truth. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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