Katie Souza: How to Conquer The Serpent in Your Life


“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made,” (Gen. 3:1).

Satan will try time and time again to get us to fall into his traps and keep us from the path that God intended for us. However, through the blood of the Lamb, we can be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Katie Souza discussed how followers of Jesus can defeat serpent spirits in their lives.

To order Katie Souza’s new book, “The Serpent and the Soul,” visit Amazon.com.

“The church is ill-equipped to come against this level of warfare in this hour,” Souza says. “Jesus talked about it. In Luke 10, He said that we’ve been given authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall in any wise harm us.”

She points out that when Jesus says this, He doesn’t just mean that we will have the power and the authority to overcome snakes in the physical realm, but in the spiritual as well.

“They are attached to people’s bank accounts, their money, their family, their marriage—they’re breaking up marriages—they’re causing your body to be sick, they’re causing your business to split apart, they’re causing strife and division in the church,” Souza says.

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She points out that snakes tend to be camouflaged, which means we tend to miss when these deadly spirits come around to strike at us.

“They hide themselves on people’s bodies, in their lives without us being able to see them,” Souza says. “That’s why we have to stay in the fiery presence of God.”

Souza has even seen the power of God remove serpent spirits from her own life that were trying to attack her body.

“I had an indentation in my breast about the depth of the tip of my pinky finger,” Souza says. “Finally, I had a vision of a serpent up on its tail with this triangular jaw, which means they’re venomous, striking at me. I said, ‘What’s that, Lord?’ And He goes, ‘That’s the snake that’s trying to give you breast cancer.'”

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What did Souza do with this revelation from the Lord?

“I prophetically did an act where I pulled that snake off of that area of my body and cast it into the abyss, the fiery abyss, and then the Lord says, ‘Now take communion for the next three days and command the venom to come out of your body.'”

Souza did what the Holy Spirit asked her to do. She says she was in excruciating pain, but after three days the indentation was fully grown in again.

“The pain I was feeling was the regeneration of the breast tissue being healed and regenerated from that cancer, the venom that the enemy was pumping into my breast,” Souza says.

We do not have to be overpowered by the enemy. Instead, we truly can be overcomers through Christ in any season or difficulty.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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