Lana Savchuk: 5 Roles of a Biblical Wife


Lana Savchuk, wife of Pastor Vlad Savchuk of HungryGen, recently released a video speaking passionately about the five roles of a biblical wife. She confidently dives into Scripture to reveal what the Bible says about a wife’s responsibilities. Savchuk shares the importance of following these roles in a world that encourages a different path for women than what the Scriptures teach.

A Partner, Not Subordinate

Savchuk explains that a biblical wife acts as a partner to her husband, highlighting their equality. Referring to Genesis 1:27-28, she stresses that God grants both men and women dominion over creation. This mutual responsibility, she says, means women stand beside their husbands.

“Women were created from the rib of a man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, not from his feet, to be trampled upon, but from under his side to be protected by him, near his heart to be loved by him,” Savchuk shares.

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An Honorable Helper

Outlining the role of a helper, Savchuk draws from Genesis 2:20, exploring the Hebrew word “ezer,” often used to describe God as a helper. She explains that this role carries great honor and importance, rather than inferiority. By assisting their husbands, wives follow a divine calling, echoing God’s own role as a helper to humanity.

“When the Lord created Eve from the rib of Adam, He created her as a helper,” Savchuk says.

A Crown, Not a Neck

Savchuk also discusses how a wife becomes the crown of her husband. She references Proverbs 12:4, urging women to honor and respect their husbands rather than criticize them. Criticism, she says, acts like a cancer in marriage, weakening the foundation. Instead, she encourages wives to uplift their husbands with honor, stating that this leads to positive changes in the relationship.

“Now in our culture people say that a wife is the neck, she turns the head,” reveals Savchuk. “That obviously is not Scriptural, it’s just cultural reference which is against the Word of God because it speaks of manipulation. We know that manipulation is not from God.”

Submission As Order, Not Worth

Savchuk tackles the idea of submission, which she recognizes as difficult for modern women to accept. Quoting Ephesians 5:22-24, she explains that submission has to do with order, not worth. Savchuk compares the family structure to military ranks, where submission is necessary for function but does not lessen a person’s value. Wives, she says, submit to their husbands just as husbands submit to Christ.

“Now a woman can have a very strong character which is absolutely fine, she can run a huge business and be a CEO of that business, she has employees that are men, and they submit to her,” Savchuk explains. “This is absolutely fine, but when it comes to the family order, when it comes to being a wife, in the family that powerful woman becomes more powerful if she obeys the Word of God and submits to her husband.”

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A Homemaker Who Builds

Savchuk addresses the wife’s role as a homemaker. Citing Proverbs 14:1, she urges women to prioritize building their homes and nurturing their families. In a culture that often prioritizes career success, Savchuk encourages women to cherish their role in shaping the home, a responsibility she believes God designed specifically for wives.

In a society that frequently pushes women to reject biblical roles and embrace a more masculine lifestyle, Savchuk’s message challenges these ideas. She encourages wives to embrace their biblical roles, finding fulfillment and strength in serving their families and husbands according to God’s design.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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