Lance Wallnau Challenges Believers to Assert Their Authority in the Spirit


Note: This is part 2 of a two-part series of articles. Click here for part one.

The United States of America has descended over the past two years of the Biden Administration into a hellish mess of problems. Dr. Lance Wallnau, the head of the Lance Learning Group, a strategic teaching and consulting company in Dallas, Texas, postulates that the prescription to remedy it all is “the million-dollar question.”

The problems include spiritual malaise, escalating addictions, out-of-control inflation, family-crushing gas prices, communist-like indoctrination of kids in schools, a heightened culture war, censorship of free speech, clamp-downs on religious freedom, anti-Christian attacks and violations of civil rights.

Over 50% of the Republican Party are people of faith from various denominations.

“When you have that large a group,” says Wallnau, “you create a target-rich environment for the Left, so they go after us.”

Adding to the crisis in today’s America are the threat of 87,000 IRS agents who are armed and gunning for small business owners, as well as a one-sided justice system that favors “woke” liberals and persecutes conservatives. There is an overwhelming feeling that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The “game plan” to reverse this slide into an un-democratic abyss that the Democrats desire as a means to maintain their power and control, according to Wallnau, consists of both a spiritual component and a natural component.

“The spiritual component we know is fervent prayer that God is going to send awakening and revival and spiritual vitality to the church so that many souls will come to the knowledge of Christ,” Wallnau says.

“Many believers will come to a tipping point, spiritually, where their unity and their prayers and their engagement will come together in their own backyard as a deliverance force, the finger of God extended into culture, pushing the darkness back,” he adds.

One of the actions that the creator of the “7 Mountain Strategy” encourages is to “occupy.” He believes that conservative people who love God and love America should occupy school boards, election precincts and other spheres of influence in society.

“Use your human agency to be the extended frontline finger of God advancing the kingdom and moving the devil back out of the areas where he is moving,” declares Wallnau, challenging believers to step into their God-given right to assert their authority in the Spirit to the natural realm.

The founder of the Lance Learning Group has identified two areas that are institutionalized threats that need to be opposed, neutralized and dismantled: the “Uniparty” and “the swamp.”

The “Uniparty” is comprised of Democrats and Republicans working together behind closed door in collusion against the best interests of the American people. He advocates that this incestuous political party needs to be dismantled. Many politicians need to be voted out, based on Wallnau’s supposition, for their collusion with forces trying to undermine America and the move of God in His nation.

The “swamp” is four million government employees that work in three-letter institutions, such as the FBI, IRS, CDC, DOJ, EPA, among others, according to Wallnau. He asserts that, over the next five years, the “extraordinary power” of unelected bureaucrats, who outlasts Presidents, needs to be paired down dramatically.

How Christians vote in the 2022 election and the 2024 election will determine to what extent this happens. If Christian voters fail because of lack of courage and compromised faith in biblical truth, the next generation will suffer like the generations that suffered a century ago under the Stalin regime.

For the most part, the younger generations lack discernment about the real dangers of socialism, communism, oversized centralized government, race-baiting, identity politics, leftist propaganda and environmental extremism that is based on manipulated “science” and a hidden agenda. They lack historical perspective or believe, “Well, it will be different this time.” Will it, really?

Without Holy Spirit-driven revelations and deep discernment, well-meaning Christians can be fooled. As one of America’s leading prophets in the 21st century, Wallnau warns Christians to get ready to take smart, peaceful action that uses biblical wisdom for ultimate victory.

“We need to have enough massive populous pushback from a revived people that are spiritually awake enough to bind the devil, so he cannot control us with news cycles and manipulated race wars.”

He goes on to convey a sober truth.

“Remember, these people are under the power of the devil. We have to be able to have the self-control and the maturity to not get involved in civil war and civil strife stuff,” Wallnau says.

While the vast majority of American citizens distrust the three-letter institutions, ranging from the CDC that has lost all credibility in a mis-managed COVID pandemic to a lopsided justice department that is blatantly partisan (and showing signs of Trump Derangement Syndrome) to its utter embarrassment, Wallnau reminds Spirit-filled believers that God can still be trusted.

This may be the greatest era for the body of Christ—a sentiment that Wallnau and other prophets have optimistically conveyed recently.

The secret to success will be the act of being still before the Lord (self-control), while the Democrats and leftist allies, such as the globalists with their evil “Agenda 2030” for the global reset, escalate their efforts of mind control.

The enemies of Jesus Christ want to convince enough people to go against their God-given freedom, individual rights, conscience and tug in their hearts to know the true, living God as Lord and Savior.

Desperate to create God in their own image, Democrats would like to convince Americans that the CDC is “the new God” and the FBI is the new “unholy spirit” to strike fear in church-going people to dare question the regime. All the while, the patron “saint” of COVID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, ascends to a globalist “heaven” found in Davos and in the corrupt pages of the left-wing New York Times and The Atlantic.

Nonetheless, Wallnau says that Christians are the greatest force on earth to stop them in their tracks with Truth that is sharper than a two-edged sword and return America to God Himself, giving Him all the glory. The same Spirit that handed the Founding Fathers the victory in the 18th century is operating today, awaiting all Christians to unite together, with a sound mind, in spirit and in truth.

Will enough Christians be still and know God on November 8, 2022 to change the course of America for good? {eoa}

Anthony Hart is a freelance writer for Charisma News.


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