Man Jumps From 9th Floor to Certain Death, ‘But God Had Something Else in Mind’


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A man reached his personal breaking point and jumped from a ninth-floor window in New Jersey City, New Jersey, this week only to survive the fall.

Nine stories is approximately 100 feet in the air. For comparison, an average two-story home is about 25 feet tall.

The 31-year-old man was trying to end it all and should have been successful, given the circumstances. He survived, and a bystander was quoted as saying, “He wanted to die. That was his agenda. But God had something else in mind.”

Instead of crashing onto the sidewalk or street, either of which would have immediately ended his life, the man landed on the top of a BMW sedan. His legs appeared to have crashed directly through the sunroof and the collapsing roof of the car lessened what should have been a deadly blow.

Witness Christina Smith recounted, “I heard a big boom, and I didn’t think it was a person at first. The back window the car just busted out —exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming. His arm was all twisted.”

Police are saying that they do not suspect foul play at this time.

Psalm 139:16 states, “All my days were written, before any of them came into being.”

God obviously had more days written for this man, as his survival cannot be described as anything less than miraculous. {eoa}

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