Pastor Mike Bickle

Mike Bickle Releases Statement Amid Investigation


In recent months, the Christian community has followed the ongoing investigation into allegations against Mike Bickle, the founder of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOPKC). As a prominent figure in the evangelical world, Bickle has been a source of inspiration and spiritual guidance for many. However, recent events have brought his leadership and character into question.

Now, Mike Bickle has released a personal statement amid the allegations made against him and the corresponding investigation:

To my Family and Friends, December 12, 2023:

With a very heavy heart I want to express how deeply grieved I am that my past sins have led to so much pain, confusion,
and division in the body of Christ in this hour. I sadly admit that 20+ years ago, I sinned by engaging in inappropriate
behavior—my moral failures were real. (I am not admitting to the more intense sexual activities that some are suggesting).
I hate my sin and I see it as serious and grievous before a holy God. I take all sin seriously, so on those occasions
I quickly and sincerely repented in a way that resulted in receiving assurance from God followed by a daily resolve to live
holy in all of my ways. God graciously helped me to respond in those times with a broken and contrite heart that was
filled with godly sorrow. To this day, I remain sorrowful about those past failures.

I am anguished that my past sins have caused great pain for my wife and family along with the IHOPKC family, and
others. I am deeply sorry that my sin put the IHOPKC leadership and community in a very painful and difficult position.
I asked my family for forgiveness. I now ask for forgiveness from the IHOPKC family and many in the body of Christ.

Some may wonder why I am just now making a public statement 20+ years later? It is because I was recently confronted
about things that I said or did 20+ years ago—things I believed were dealt with and under the blood of Jesus. Since this
has now become public, I want to repent publicly. On October 28, 2023, I wrote the first draft of this statement but at that
very same time, false allegations of sexual abuse were being circulated against me. I was given legal advice to wait to
make my statement public for several important reasons—including creating the misunderstanding that I was confessing
to the false allegations that were circulating. I am very sorry that it took so long for this personal statement to come out.
This delay created additional pain, anguish, division, and more for so many people that I love. I am deeply sorry for this.

Since late October terrible things have been written against me in various communications (blogs, articles , posts, etc.)
that describe me and various sinful things that I allegedly did. There are many misrepresentations of my words and actions in these communications including statements that are out of context, greatly exaggerated, or blatantly false.

I ask that my family and friends do not defend me. I have confidence that the Lord will speak concerning what He sees
and says about me in His timing. Please do not engage in debates on social media to defend me and please do not criticize those who are voicing their disdain for me. Please only speak blessing to them and about them (Mt. 5:44). In this way, we can minimize some of the divisiveness that the enemy has planned—and we can continue to stay focused on loving Jesus and one another. I am deeply committed to respond to those with complaints against me in the spirit of Psalm 18:35—both now and in the years to come. Some who are have spoken against me are friends (I will continue to view them as friends).

For an extended season, I will not engage in my public preaching ministry (conferences, social media, zooms, etc.)—I see
this as God’s “delayed” loving discipline on my life (Heb. 12:6, 11). I will look to other leaders to determine how long this
season will last—it may be long and it may even be permanent. I will only reengage in my public preaching ministry,
if God confirms it through others. I am at peace with whatever He wants (2 Sam. 15:25-26). Jesus, I love and trust You!

I honor and love the IHOPKC community and will forever be grateful for them. They are a most remarkable people—they
are truly marvelous comrades. I know the Lord is with them and that His favor and grace will continue to rest on them.

Pray for me, Diane, and my beloved family. They have expressed their love and support for me in extravagant ways.

With much sorrow yet with prayerful confidence in God’s perfect leadership,

Mike Bickle

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Allegations against Mike Bickle first surfaced in late 2023, prompting the IHOPKC leadership to engage a third-party investigative firm to look into the matter. The firm, which has extensive experience conducting independent investigations into high-profile cases across the Kansas City metro area, has been in contact with all of Bickle’s alleged victims. The duration of the investigation is unknown and “will depend on several factors, the main one being whether or not the alleged victims and parties involved are willing to participate,” according to the executive committee.

In response to the allegations, the IHOPKC Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and Mike Bickle have agreed that out of the best interest of the organization and the integrity of IHOPKC, Bickle will step away from public ministry for an indefinite time, up to and including until the investigation is complete. The ELT has also engaged a new third-party firm that has experience conducting independent investigations into high-profile cases across the Kansas City metro area.

The allegations against Mike Bickle have sent shockwaves through the Christian community, with many expressing concern and disappointment. As the founder of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City, Bickle has played a significant role in shaping the spiritual lives of countless individuals. The investigation has prompted a wider conversation about accountability and transparency within Christian leadership.

The investigation is an ongoing process, and it is important for the Christian community to remain informed and engaged in the discussion. While the allegations are serious, it is essential to remember the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. As the investigation unfolds, the Christian community must continue to pray for all parties involved and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in navigating this challenging time.{eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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