Morning Rundown: Isaiah Saldivar Breaks Down Controversial ‘He Gets Us’ Super Bowl Ad

Isaiah Saldivar with footwashing scene from the

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Isaiah Saldivar Breaks Down Controversial ‘He Gets Us’ Super Bowl Ad

If a Super Bowl commercial gets people talking about Jesus, then that’s a good thing, right?

Well, according to many Christians, it depends on which Jesus the commercials are advertising.

To no one’s surprise, this year’s He Gets Us Super Bowl ad featuring various people washing the feet of what is assumed to be sinners has sparked fierce debate on both sides of the proverbial aisle.

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Dr. Michael Brown: A Word of Encouragement to the Global Prayer Movement

Believers around the world are hurting right now; in particular, charismatic believers involved in the global prayer movement. A key leader in that movement, a man known as a deeply devoted, godly believer, has credibly been accused of gross sexual misconduct, not once but a number of times.

How could this be? How could it be possible for someone to lead a double life on that scale, especially over the decades? This leads many to wonder if anyone can be trusted.

Pastors who lead prayer ministries have reached out to me, telling me of the agonizing struggles some of their people are experiencing. Their very acts of worship and prayer seem tainted. Was any of it ever real? Or were they just fooling themselves all the time, thinking they were making a spiritual impact when they were just singing to the walls and praying to the ceiling? The sense of upheaval is deep.

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Is This the End? Open AI Co-Founder Seeking $7 Trillion for a ‘Chip Project’

What would you do with $7 trillion?

Co-founder and CEO of Open AI, Sam Altman is planning to raise money for his latest chip project, however, the estimated cost of this project isn’t cheap. Altman believes it will take $5-$7 trillion dollars to raise the necessary funds.

According to Business Insider, Altman wants to create chip factories in the United Arab Emirates and has already met with officials from the UAE. The idea behind this chip project is that the future of AI would be secured to continue to grow and advance.{eoa}

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