Morning Rundown: Rise of the Demonic: Derek Prince’s Warning in Today’s Culture


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Rise of the Demonic: Derek Prince’s Warning in Today’s Culture

We must ask ourselves: Have we ignored the warning signs?

Decades ago, Bible teacher Derek Prince warned of the dangers of seeking supernatural knowledge outside of God. Today, his words ring truer than ever as the occult infiltrates mainstream culture, from Taylor Swift’s music laced with dark spiritual themes to Blizzard Entertainment’s ‘Diablo IV’ online gamin community normalizing demonic imagery, and Hocus Pocus teaching young audiences that witchcraft is harmless fun. The enemy is no longer hiding in the shadows—he is flaunting his influence in broad daylight.

Prince made one thing clear: “Almost any form of supernatural knowledge is very, very dangerous.” He emphasized that there are only two sources of supernatural power—God or Satan. “If it doesn’t come from God, it does come from the devil.” Yet, today’s culture encourages people, particularly young audiences, to explore the dark arts. From Ouija boards to tarot cards, these practices are no longer just lurking in obscure corners of occult bookstores; they are sold in mainstream retailers, promoted on social media and glamorized in entertainment.

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Disturbing Military Rule Found Banning Christians From Command

Just as President Donald Trump looks to address anti-Christian bias with a new task force, Idaho’s Army National Guard is being outed for a policy that needs investigating.

In a clip posted to social media platform X Thursday from Newsmax’s “Todd Starnes Show,” host Todd Starnes spoke to founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver about his client Maj. David Worley’s lawsuit against the Idaho Guard for instituting a “No Christians in Command” policy.

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This State Plans to ‘Acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus Christ’

Jesus is King and Lord over all, and the people in this state plan to recognize it.

Currently, the state of North Dakota is trying to pass House Concurrent Resolution No. 3020 which publicly acknowledges Jesus as King over all.

In the bill, biblical passages are referenced which asserts that Christ holds all power in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18) and is the ruler of all. The resolution also has some prophetic implications as well, making it clear that Christ will someday return again.

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