Morning Rundown: Taylor Swift Is Summoning Demons In New Footage


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Taylor Swift Is Summoning Demons in New Footage

Taylor Swift is back at it again when it comes to summoning in the demonic realm.

On X, footage of Swift watching a Chiefs football game has gone viral. However, if you look closely, the necklace she is wearing isn’t just another piece of jewelry.

“Pay close attention to Taylor Swift’s ‘jewelry’! What do you notice?” Matt Wallace posted on X sharing footage of Swift wearing the necklace.

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In the Church’s Silence, Others Are Speaking Out

For too long, too many in the American Christian church have remained silent as culture and society drifted away from God.

Content to preach uplifting sermons that ensure their congregants do not feel uncomfortable or convicted, depending on how you look at it, churches have focused on a “seeker-friendly” model to keep seats full and ensure tithes keep pouring in.

So what happens when God’s period of permissive patience runs out and those who were meant to fulfill the Great Commission and spread His Word refuse to do so in an increasingly dark and sinful world?

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Hillsong Founder Brian Houston Attempts Ministry Comeback

After a string of legal problems, mysterious accusations and the shocking ouster from his own church in Sydney, Australia, Brian Houston, founder of global megachurch Hillsong, along with his wife, Bobbie, is in the comeback process. In July, he launched a new online church called JesusFollowers.TV.

Is Houston simply misunderstood? Did he make some errors in judgment while under immense stress over the burgeoning allegations related to his father’s tenure? Can he be trusted in ministry leadership again? Despite the exercise of his faith and best intentions, will Houston’s past define his future in ministry?

“Don’t ever write off a comeback. God is good at those,” Houston posted earlier this year on X, soon after announcing his plan to launch the new online ministry.

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