Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj Prays God’s Supernatural Power Over Tasha Cobbs’ Family, Ministry


Rap sensation Nicki Minaj, who isn’t exactly known for her wholesome, family-friendly lyrics, issued a powerful prayer via Instagram.

“Now God, we claim a super natural, double portion blessing over Tasha’s marriage, family, health & MUSIC this year,” Minaj posted on behalf of newlywed gospel superstar Tasha Cobbs

“Expand her borders that MILLIONS MORE would be blessed by her MINISTRY of song! Cause her GIFTS to shine brighter than they’ve ever shined before! Bless ALL the CALLED, CHOSEN FEW who have devoted their gift of SONG to GOSPEL MUSIC. Go before her & make every crooked path straight! In Jesus MIGHTY name,” Minaj continued.

The rapper used the hashtags #AMEN. #Smile #ForYourGlory#BreakEveryChain to end her prayer. {eoa}


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