Former Mrs. Tom Brady, Gisele Bündchen’s Occult Habits on Display in Vanity Fair Article


The time for action in the spiritual realm is long past due.

Christians need to be aware that there is a real battle being fought on all fronts of society, and you are either on Jesus’ side or you are not.

Spiritual warfare has taken on specific forms in the world today, with witchcraft and occult practices not only being brought back to popularity but being promoted on some of the world’s largest stages by famous personalities.

The “influencers” are doing just that. Influencing people and often they are influencing their audiences away from God.

That is exactly what the recent Vanity Fair piece on international supermodel Gisele Bündchen did when the article promoted occult practices and crystals while mocking and deriding her Catholic upbringing.

It has become an art for dark spirits and principalities to subtly tear down the Word of God and at the same time promote practices that the Lord finds abhorrent.

Throughout the pages of the article, Bündchen is put on a goddess-like pedestal. The peak of humanity that all women should strive to be like.

In the same tone, her practice with crystals, astrology and tarot card reading is held in the same level of esteem.

Vanity Fair’s interviewer Michelle Ruiz tells of Bünchen’s room:

“Crystals stud inside and out, including a hunk of purple amethyst and a milky selenite angel, which Bündchen says ‘clears energy’ (presumably not the positive kind), sitting on her nightstand.

“From a deep drawer at her bedside, Bündchen reaches for the Kuan Yin Oracle, a collection of feminine-focused, tarot-like cards centered on Buddhism’s goddess of mercy and compassion. Two days before, Bündchen pulled the card for ‘dynasty of the divine mother,’ which urged her to ‘look to what is happening in your life,’ she reads as incense burns on the cedar table before us, ‘and trust that you are progressing with perfection.'”

If only Bündchen knew the depth of spiritual darkness that she is playing with, she would not be helping open the door for millions of her admirers to engage in such demonic practices.

What is just as important as recognizing this behavior as spiritually devastating to a person’s life, is the expertly packaged way the outlet words Bündchen’s practices to make them appealing to an audience targeted at young women.

Nevermind the fact that multiple recent studies have shown 26% of young women are suffering from a Common Mental Disorder (CMD), which includes anxiety, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD and many others.

Could the spiritual battle being waged against young women today have something to do with the deteriorating mental health that they are suffering from?

As more young women are exposed to witchcraft and the occult through things like “WitchTok” on the popular social media app TikTok, the enemy is doing his best at concealing witchcraft’s true dangers and instead making it seem like an empowering lifestyle steeped in feminism.

“This is why they called me a witch, I guess,” Bündchen remarked, laughing off the connotation.

The article continued, “Considering the cards before us, but she is less peeved by WitchTok’s speculations than prepared to agree with them. ‘If you want to call me a witch because I love astrology, I love crystals, I pray, I believe in the power of nature, then go ahead.’ A lapsed Catholic, Bündchen’s mystical proclivities are her gospel now, one that has been a salve and a source of strength when she’s needed it most.”

Notice the wording: Bündchen now has a new “gospel” and a “source of strength” other than the Word of God and Jesus Christ.

That is the enemy’s endgame. To replace Jesus and steer anyone he can away from discovering their true purpose, identity and source of strength in Jesus Christ.

Satan knows in the end he will lose, but that is not going to stop him from prowling the globe, devouring anyone he can sink his teeth into.

Sadly, many are deceived. Unbeknownst to them, a future in witchcraft and occultic worship will only lead to an eternity separated from their Creator.

It is imperative that Christians engage this spiritual warfare with prayer and fasting of their own. To humble themselves before the Lord and allow His spiritual power to flood across the earth and reclaim the lost souls the enemy is trying to take with him into the pits of hell.

Lift up in prayer those who engage in and promote witchcraft to the masses, that they have a divine encounter with the Son of God who died on the cross and shed His blood for them. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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