Pentecostal World Fellowship Re-Elects William Wilson for Second Term as Chair


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During an in-person meeting in conjunction with the Pentecostal World Conference (PWC), the Advisory Committee of the Pentecostal World Fellowship (PWF) once again elected Dr. William M. Wilson, President of Oral Roberts University, to serve as the organization’s chair.

Wilson was chosen for his first term in 2019 and will lead the PWF for the next three years. Wilson will be officially installed on Thursday, Oct. 13, during the 26th PWC, which is being held at Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul.

“It is a distinct honor to serve the global Spirit-empowered community through the Pentecostal World Fellowship,” Wilson says. “The Spirit-empowered church remains the fastest-growing religious and Christian movement on earth. The PWF is uniquely positioned to be a voice for unity, a force for global evangelism and a leader in bringing Pentecostal revival to the next generation. I am humbled by the confidence of these exceptional leaders from around the world. I pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we will together experience a continuum of spiritual renewal across generations and see the fulfillment of the Great Commission.”

During the session, David Wells (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America) was re-elected as the vice chair, and Dr. Doug Beacham (Bishop, International Pentecostal Holiness Church) was returned to the office of secretary for the PWF.

The following were selected to serve as members of the executive committee for the next three years: Bishop Dag Heward-Mills (Lighthouse Churches Ghana) Rev. Marek Kaminski (Assembly of God Poland), Dr. Younghoon Lee (Yoido Full Gospel Church) and Rev. Dominic Yeo (Assembly of God Singapore).

Other members of PWF Advisory Committee for the next three years listed by nation are:

  • Bill Vasilakis of CRC Churches Int. (Australia)
  • Richard Ciaramitaro of Ministers Network; Rev. Wes Mills of Apostolic Church of Pent. (Canada)
  • Pastor Lako Bedasso of Full Gospel Believers’ Church (Ethiopia)
  • Esko Matikainen of the Assemblies of God (Finland)
  • Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye of The Church of Pentecost (Ghana)
  • Pastor Glyn Barrett of the Assemblies of God (Great Britain)
  • Eddy Kwok of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (Hong Kong)
  • Albert Pataky of the Hungarian Pentecostal Church (Hungary) Dr. David Mohan of the Assemblies of God
  • Sudarshan Komanapali of Manna Group of Ministries (India)
  • Ong Sek Leang of the Assemblies of God (Malaysia)
  • Machiel Jonker of the Assemblies of God (Netherlands)
  • David E. Sumrall of Cathedral of Praise, Inc. (Philippines)
  • Henri Weideman of Apostolic Faith Mission (South Africa)
  • Daniel Alm of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement (Sweden)
  • Barnabas Mtokamabali of the Assemblies of God (Tanzania)
  • Douglas Clay of the Assemblies of God; Bishop Timothy Coalter of the Church of God of Prophecy; Dr. Timothy M. Hill of the Church of God, International; Rev. Randy Remington of the Int’l Church of the Foursquare Gospel; Bishop J. Drew Sheard of the Church of God in Christ (USA)

The Advisory Council also adopted the following resolution calling on Spirit-empowered congregations across the globe to focus on fulfilling the Great Commission by 2033:

“The Pentecostal World Fellowship encourages its members to work towards fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. We affirm the numerous 2033 initiatives focused on ‘Everyone’ hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We call upon our member congregations to mobilize prayer, leadership, compassion and resources to contact every unreached person. We believe the next 10 years will be the greatest decade of fulfilling the mandate of Jesus as together, empowered by the Spirit, we proclaim the
‘Good News’ and establish new churches.”

The PWF chose Helsinki, Finland, as the site of the 2025 Pentecostal World Conference.

Looking ahead, Wilson added, “As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, the first in the history of the PWF, every follower of Christ has an opportunity to share the hope of the gospel as never before seen in our lifetime. This is a moment we must embrace; our future depends on it.”

The PWF presently has 76 Spirit-empowered representative groups from 47 countries and republics. The Advisory Committee is comprised of 30 members and one honorary member. The PWF will convene the 26th Pentecostal World Conference (PWC), uniting believers from across the globe for three days of worship, powerful preaching and workshops, focusing on the Spirit-empowered movement in the next generation. Attendance is expected to exceed 20,000 for the event.

On Friday, Oct. 14, the conference will hold a prayer event at the Demilitarized Zone, the area between North and South Korea, and conclude with a Holy Spirit crusade that evening. The general sessions and workshops of the PWC can be viewed via live stream here.

The Pentecostal World Fellowship was founded in 1947 and has held triennial conferences in major cities worldwide for 75 years. The 26th Pentecostal World Conference will be the third time the conference has been held in Seoul, South Korea.

For more information about the Pentecostal World Fellowship and the 26th PWC, visit

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