Prophetic Accountant Tells Sid Roth This Significant Cultural Event Will Signal Third Great Awakening


In December 2021, Myles Kilby, an accountant in Georgia, prophesied that Roe v. Wade would be overturned in 2022.

He claims that the Lord told him that 2022 would be a major year of turnaround for God’s people and for the United States of America. Kilby references Job 42:10 (NKJV): “And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed, the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.”

“For the past five or six months, I’ve been preaching this and prophesying this publicly,” Kilby said on a recent appearance on Sid Roth’s show, It’s Supernatural! “This is a divine turnaround year. … God [is] going to completely overturn Roe v. Wade, and this would be the main sign that God would give that revival has arrived for the United States of America.

“When I say revival, I mean nationwide, national revival.”

Kilby predicted this revival would be bigger than any previous revival in American history and that it would touch every realm of society.

“There’s going to be a massive wave of justice and righteousness, truth that is established and sweeps across the nation of America,” he says. “Righteousness being restored in our government. Righteousness being restored in our schools … when it comes to the church world, I’m talking about major harvest like we have never seen before in America.”

Kilby believes the time for great harvest has come, and he emphasizes that we need to keep the main purpose of this harvest in mind. That main purpose is souls. “The hearts and souls of Americans are about to be harvested and are about to come into the kingdom of God like we have never seen before,” says Kilby.

Kilby also predicts that with the ending of Roe v. Wade, the entire atmosphere of America will shift. He says that we’ll notice more freedom and less opposition the moment it happens. “When this judgment takes place,” Kilby says, “the principalities and powers in this nation are instantly going to be stripped of their power.”

For more of this interview, watch this video.

Rob Vischer is a freelance writer for Charisma Media.

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