Radio Disney Bans God From Movie Promotions


Promenade Pictures is releasing the movie The Ten Commandments in theatres nationwide Oct. 19 amid a controversy that began brewing after Radio Disney asked that any mention of the word God be removed from the movie’s promotions.

In the original Radio Disney advertisement, it was said that Moses was “chosen by God.” But Radio Disney executives asked that all references of this kind be removed from future promotions.

“It is shocking that Radio Disney censored God from the ad promoting the animated movie The Ten Commandments,” said Mathew D. Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, which has launched a petition drive asking Radio Disney to “stop its ridiculous censorship of the word God.”

“The epic story of The Ten Commandments is about God choosing a humble man named Moses who led the Israelite people out of bondage to freedom,” he said.

In a press release, his group points out that Radio Disney has had no problem in the past promoting movies involving “mythical gods, Tiki gods, Navaho gods and animal gods.” Promenade Picture executives told FOX News that they found the demand by Radio Disney distasteful.

“In connection with The Ten Commandments, I did find it offensive,” said Promenade president and chief operating officer Cindy Bond. “God in our movie is the main character,” she said. “You rip the whole guts out of the piece.”

Added Staver: “Walt Disney would have been sadly disappointed to hear that Radio Disney censored God from one of the greatest stories ever told.”


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